Weekly summaries
The weekly summaries bokeh plots here.
2024 Fills
fill | tags | comment |
10404 23.11 01:04 23.11 07:47 0d 6h 43 |
10403 22.11 21:59 23.11 01:04 0d 3h 4 |
10402 22.11 17:35 22.11 21:59 0d 4h 24 |
10401 22.11 10:47 22.11 17:35 0d 6h 47 |
10400 22.11 01:07 22.11 10:47 0d 9h 39 |
10399 21.11 23:56 22.11 01:07 0d 1h 11 |
#DUCK | |
10398 21.11 09:51 21.11 23:56 0d 14h 4 |
- Issues at injection wirh orbit - Dumped 1 beam (B1) at the end of the fill while B2 was stil in the machine and went back to stable beams |
10397 20.11 23:45 21.11 09:51 0d 10h 6 |
- 50% losses B1 at injection, 60% for B2 |
10396 20.11 20:34 20.11 23:45 0d 3h 10 |
#DUCK | - Validation fill for MD with reduced crossing angle |
10395 20.11 19:39 20.11 20:34 0d 0h 55 |
#DUCK | |
10394 20.11 16:08 20.11 19:39 0d 3h 31 |
#DUCK | |
10393 20.11 08:40 20.11 16:08 0d 7h 27 |
#DUCK | |
10392 19.11 22:18 20.11 08:40 0d 10h 22 |
#ION_PHYSICS | - Dumped due to quench S23 |
10391 19.11 19:03 19.11 22:18 0d 3h 14 |
#ION_PHYSICS | - Dumped due to loss of cryo |
10390 19.11 18:34 19.11 19:03 0d 0h 29 |
#DUCK | |
10389 19.11 16:43 19.11 18:34 0d 1h 51 |
#DUCK | |
10388 19.11 08:07 19.11 16:43 0d 8h 35 |
#ION_PHYSICS | - Losses at injection up to 43%, 72% for B2, asked to scrape a bit more in the SPS and situation improved, improved at the end of filling without specific action from LHC or SPS - Dumped due to quench in M1B2 |
10387 18.11 23:56 19.11 08:07 0d 8h 11 |
- Rampup fill 451 bunches |
10386 18.11 21:38 18.11 23:56 0d 2h 17 |
#DUCK | - Asynchronous dump loss maps |
10385 18.11 16:31 18.11 21:38 0d 5h 6 |
#DUCK | - Validation fills, loss maps etc after polarity reversal in ALICE |
10384 18.11 10:07 18.11 16:31 0d 6h 24 |
#DUCK | - Alice polarity reveral - Dumped due to ADT switched ON and QFB still on driving Q on 3rd order resonance |
10383 18.11 03:10 18.11 10:07 0d 6h 57 |
- 66/46 injections - 60% losses at injection |
10382 17.11 17:16 18.11 03:10 0d 9h 53 |
- Losses at injection <60% - Long injection due to SPS BQM issues - Few bunches got unstable during ramp |
10381 17.11 09:59 17.11 17:16 0d 7h 16 |
#ION_PHYSICS | - High injection losses, improved with SPS scraping - RF trip of line 7B2 |
10380 17.11 04:21 17.11 09:59 0d 5h 38 |
- Only 920b in B1 and 808 in B2 due to SPS down |
10379 16.11 18:27 17.11 04:21 0d 9h 53 |
- 40% for B1, 60% for B2 - Unstable bunches in B1 start being unstable at ramp - LHCb gas injection results in 60% dump threshold |
10378 16.11 09:06 16.11 18:27 0d 9h 20 |
#ION_PHYSICS | - 64% losses when injecting B2 - Dumped due to trip of warm magnet RQ5.LR7 |
10377 15.11 22:37 16.11 09:06 0d 10h 28 |
#ION_PHYSICS | - 96% losses at injection - Dumped due to trip of line 7B2 just before dump handshake |
10376 15.11 19:35 15.11 22:37 0d 3h 1 |
#ION_PHYSICS | - 50% injection losses - Injection with injection cleaning ON, 98% of dump threshold - Back to maximum intensity - Instabilities in B1 - Losses in collisions 44% - Trip of L3B2 dumped fill |
10375 15.11 09:38 15.11 19:35 0d 9h 57 |
- Increased RF voltage to 12 MV, much less debunched beam and no BLM warnings, lifetime improved |
10374 14.11 23:23 15.11 09:38 0d 10h 15 |
- 10-15% lower intensity |
10373 14.11 19:27 14.11 23:23 0d 3h 55 |
#MD | - MD14343 Schottky MD for ions - 4 bunches per beam - Coupling changes, emittance blowup, comparison with WS measurements both at injection and during ramp |
10372 14.11 16:32 14.11 19:27 0d 2h 55 |
#DUCK | |
10371 14.11 14:45 14.11 16:32 0d 1h 46 |
#DUCK | |
10370 14.11 14:44 14.11 14:45 0d 0h 1 |
#DUCK | |
10369 14.11 12:53 14.11 14:44 0d 1h 50 |
#MD | - MD14364 RF flat bottom optimization for ion debunching - Injected with a voltage dip, 8 MV at injection and keeping 12 MV between injections. unbunched beam was similar to constant 8 MV but lifetime was better and slightly better than 12 MV. |
10368 14.11 11:46 14.11 12:53 0d 1h 7 |
#MD | - MD14364 RF flat bottom optimization for ion debunching - 14 MV, lifetime 8h, debunching 1% |
10367 14.11 11:32 14.11 11:46 0d 0h 14 |
#MD | - MD14364 RF flat bottom optimization for ion debunching - VRF = 14 MV - Dumped due to FMCM trigger |
10366 14.11 10:49 14.11 11:32 0d 0h 43 |
#MD | - MD14364 RF flat bottom optimization for ion debunching - VRF = 12 MV, less than 1.3 ns after 30 minutes, 8h of beam lifetime, 1.13% debunched beam |
10365 14.11 10:07 14.11 10:49 0d 0h 41 |
#MD | - MD14364 RF flat bottom optimization for ion debunching - 10 MV - Bunch length lower than 1.4 ns at the end - Lifetime to 7 hours and debunched beam at 1.6% |
10364 14.11 09:01 14.11 10:07 0d 1h 5 |
#MD | - MD14364 RF flat bottom optimization for ion debunching - 1.4 ns bunch length after 30 minutes with 8 MV - Lifetime at 5h - 2% debunched beam - Dumped due to trip of RQT4.L3 |
10363 14.11 06:29 14.11 09:01 0d 2h 32 |
#MD | - MD14364 RF flat bottom optimization for ion debunching - WS measurements of 1 train, every 10 minutes for 30 minutes - VRF = 6 MV - Lifetime after 30 minutes 4 hours and 3.5% unbunched beam - 1.5 ns bunch length after 30 minutes - Dumped and re-injected with VRF = 8 MV but stayed only 10 minutes due to pc trip |
10362 14.11 00:21 14.11 06:29 0d 6h 8 |
- 1240b fills - 30-40% dump threshold on B1 when injecting with 2e10 charges/bunch - 40% at start of ramp |
10361 13.11 14:50 14.11 00:21 0d 9h 30 |
- Difficult injection due to SPS BQM issues, 59% dump threshold at start of ramp - 1240b fill - BGC measurements of emittance show 3.11 um in H and 2.48 um in V at top energy - Big spike in losses 79% due to LHCb SMOG injection |
10360 13.11 14:50 13.11 14:50 0d 0h 0 |
#DUCK | |
10359 12.11 21:02 13.11 14:50 0d 17h 48 |
#DUCK | |
10358 12.11 14:47 12.11 21:02 0d 6h 14 |
#ION_PHYSICS | - 1240 bunches with higher intensity - 45% injection losses with 2.08e10 intensity for B1 and 32% for B2 - 55% losses at the start of ramp - Dumped due to quench of 5 MBs |
10357 12.11 13:41 12.11 14:47 0d 1h 6 |
#DUCK | |
10356 12.11 05:07 12.11 13:41 0d 8h 33 |
10355 11.11 20:16 12.11 05:07 0d 8h 51 |
- 1240 bunches - Gas injection in IR4 at 23:14 |
10354 11.11 17:22 11.11 20:16 0d 2h 53 |
#ION_PHYSICS | - 1240 bunches - Injection losses 40% - Losses start of ramp 30% - Dumped on energy limit of TCTPH.4L1.B1 due to combined issue of settings interpolation and published energy |
10353 11.11 16:29 11.11 17:22 0d 0h 53 |
#DUCK | |
10352 11.11 16:09 11.11 16:29 0d 0h 19 |
#DUCK | |
10351 11.11 12:37 11.11 16:09 0d 3h 31 |
#DUCK | |
10350 11.11 07:14 11.11 12:37 0d 5h 22 |
- BI gas injection in P4 at 12:07 - End of fill test for losses on crystals |
10349 11.11 03:32 11.11 07:14 0d 3h 42 |
#ION_PHYSICS | - 1240 bunches - Large injection losses (30%), very slow injection - Losses at the start of ramp 30% - Dumped due to RF trip |
10348 10.11 18:42 11.11 03:32 0d 8h 49 |
- 1240 bunches - Injection losses at 30-35% at each injection - Losses at start of ramp only 37% although delay of 1h at injection |
10347 10.11 15:49 10.11 18:42 0d 2h 52 |
#ION_PHYSICS | - 1240 bunches - 30% dump during injection - 37% losses at the start of ramp - Dumped due to instability in B2H |
10346 10.11 09:15 10.11 15:49 0d 6h 34 |
#ION_PHYSICS | - 1240 bunches - Injection losses constantly at 35-40% during B1 injection - 37% losses at the start of ramp - Losses warning at collisions - Voltage at FT reduced to 14 MV - Dumped due to RF line 4B1 trip |
10345 10.11 00:03 10.11 09:15 0d 9h 11 |
ION_PHYSICS | - 1240 bunches - Large injection losses, 40% in 7L2 and 6R8 - 38% losses at start of ramp - Large losses in collisions (40%) - Quench in M1B2 during dump handshake |
10344 09.11 18:13 10.11 00:03 0d 5h 50 |
- 800b fill - Large injection losses, 50% dump thresholds on B2 injection - Losses at injection and debunched beam, dBLM in point 2 and 8 show loses throughout injected train, more pronounced at the start of the train. - 21% dump threshold during ramp |
10343 09.11 08:44 09.11 18:13 0d 9h 29 |
- 800 bunches - Dumped and re-injected - Negligible start of ramp losses (<4%) |
10342 09.11 03:08 09.11 08:44 0d 5h 35 |
- 792 bunches - Large injection losses up to 40% BLM thresholds - Issue with QPS for RBA.12 flickering - Losses at the start of ramp less than 10% |
10341 08.11 17:27 09.11 03:08 0d 9h 41 |
#ION_PHYSICS | - 5% dump threshold in IR3 thanks to threshold increase of a factor of 2 in BLMs - No jump at the start of ramp - LHCb is injecting SMOG at 21:39 - Orbit drifts in B2H at flat top |
10340 08.11 16:26 08.11 17:27 0d 1h 0 |
#DUCK | |
10339 08.11 15:19 08.11 16:26 0d 1h 7 |
#DUCK | - Increased BLM thresholds for BLMQI |
10338 08.11 01:00 08.11 15:19 0d 14h 18 |
- 432 bunches - Low losses at the start of ramp - VdM for ions |
10337 08.11 00:37 08.11 01:00 0d 0h 22 |
#DUCK | |
10336 07.11 18:02 08.11 00:37 0d 6h 35 |
#IONS_PHYSICS | - 432 bunches - 100 ns beams - 8% dump in IR3 - Injected bunch length was much smaller, trim on blow-up amplitude - Dumped due to RB.A56 trip |
10335 07.11 10:54 07.11 18:02 0d 7h 7 |
- 400b fill - High losses on beam 1 injections - 30% losses during ramp |
10334 07.11 05:44 07.11 10:54 0d 5h 10 |
- 400b fill - 25% losses start of ramp |
10333 07.11 01:34 07.11 05:44 0d 4h 9 |
- Two orbit correctors - very noisy |
10332 06.11 22:20 07.11 01:34 0d 3h 14 |
#ION_PHYSICS | - Trip of the orbit correctors |
10331 06.11 16:09 06.11 22:20 0d 6h 11 |
#ION_PHYSICS | - LHCb Argon injection - Cryo lost in R8 |
10330 06.11 13:43 06.11 16:09 0d 2h 25 |
#ION_PHYSICS | - Max ~17% losses at start of ramp in IR3 - Dumped due to instablility of the mains |
10329 06.11 08:53 06.11 13:43 0d 4h 50 |
- Losses at RAMP in 12R8 - Power loss in collisions - ALICE head-on - Drift of B1 and B2 - RF voltage increased to 15.0MV B1 and 16MV B2 |
10328 06.11 06:47 06.11 08:53 0d 2h 6 |
#ION_PHYSICS | - Trip of FMCM_RQ5.LR3 |
10327 06.11 05:29 06.11 06:47 0d 1h 17 |
#ION_PHYSICS | - Dump due to BPM interlock |
10326 06.11 04:57 06.11 05:29 0d 0h 32 |
#DUCK | |
10325 06.11 04:33 06.11 04:57 0d 0h 23 |
#DUCK | |
10324 06.11 04:04 06.11 04:33 0d 0h 28 |
#DUCK | |
10323 06.11 03:08 06.11 04:04 0d 0h 56 |
10322 06.11 01:20 06.11 03:08 0d 1h 47 |
- More optimizations done |
10321 05.11 18:18 06.11 01:20 0d 7h 1 |
- Loss maps - Asynchronous beam dump |
10320 05.11 14:45 05.11 18:18 0d 3h 33 |
#DUCK | |
10319 05.11 13:12 05.11 14:45 0d 1h 33 |
10318 05.11 12:41 05.11 13:12 0d 0h 30 |
#DUCK | |
10317 05.11 06:57 05.11 12:41 0d 5h 43 |
- Dumped due to access |
10316 05.11 04:40 05.11 06:57 0d 2h 17 |
#ION_PHYSICS | - B2V unstable - QPS trigger of sextupoles and octuples in sector 78, power convertor trip |
10315 05.11 02:07 05.11 04:40 0d 2h 33 |
- Loss maps |
10314 04.11 17:50 05.11 02:07 0d 8h 16 |
- Calibration for ion physics |
10313 04.11 10:32 04.11 17:50 0d 7h 17 |
#DUCK | |
10312 04.11 02:35 04.11 10:32 0d 7h 57 |
- Losses in collisions 45% - Levelling in ATLAS failed - FMCM for RQ5.LR3 triggered a beam dump |
10311 03.11 10:13 04.11 02:35 0d 16h 21 |
#PPREF | - Persisting issues with the RF - Trip of M1B2 in Stable beams with loss of cryo in 2R4 |
10310 02.11 03:28 03.11 10:13 1d 6h 45 |
- B2 bunch length higher than B1 - 18h SB, beams in IP8 head on |
10309 01.11 11:22 02.11 03:28 0d 16h 5 |
- Losses in collisions - Large vacuum spike in 11R2 - RF trip in Stable beams when increasing voltage to 15.5MV on B2 |
10308 01.11 09:28 01.11 11:22 0d 1h 54 |
DUCK | |
10307 31.10 14:15 01.11 09:28 0d 19h 12 |
#PPREF | - Losses and longitudinal blowup in the end of ramp - Problems with ALICE luminosity, levelling failed - Change of octupoles - not really effective |
10306 31.10 11:18 31.10 14:15 0d 2h 57 |
- Dumped due to missing RF longitudinal blow-up (just after the ramp) |
10305 30.10 16:38 31.10 11:18 0d 18h 40 |
- Ppref fill with 2400b bunches - Performed ATLAS mu scan at the beginning of STABLE beams, then inserted AFP and optimized tunes work point - H / V tunes crossed over when going in collisions (expected from BB coherent tune shift) - Dump due to RQTL8L.L7B2 trip |
10304 30.10 09:05 30.10 16:38 0d 7h 32 |
- Ppref fill with 1239b bunches - Optimization of the tunes and chromaticity to imporve the lifetime |
10303 30.10 07:46 30.10 09:05 0d 1h 19 |
#DUCK | - Set to ecloud tunes |
10302 29.10 23:30 30.10 07:46 0d 8h 15 |
- Ppref fill with 375b bunches - Bad lifetime durign the ramp (then recovering), more in IR7 than in IR3 - Bad lifetime going in collision (1~h), improved by tune trim - ATLAS asked to separate and to collide again after 15 min |
10301 29.10 18:07 29.10 23:30 0d 5h 22 |
- Completing the VdM scans in IP1 and IP2 |
10300 29.10 15:33 29.10 18:07 0d 2h 33 |
- B1 longitudinal blow-up did not fire during the ramp, bunch length ~0.66ns - Dump during the reboot the allbc1b1 FEC at FT. B1H orbit readings indicate a slight change of RF frequency |
10299 29.10 01:20 29.10 15:33 0d 14h 13 |
- P-p reference VdM scan in CMS and ATLAS - Dumped before the scan completion (LVDT spurious signal) then 4h access (as foreseen) |
10298 28.10 16:27 29.10 01:20 0d 8h 52 |
- Some lossses in IR3 at the start of ramp - No losses whene going to collisions - P-p reference VdM scans for ALICE and LHCb. |
10297 28.10 12:27 28.10 16:27 0d 3h 59 |
#PPREF_RAMPUP | - Ppref fill with 75b bunches |
10296 28.10 07:11 28.10 12:27 0d 5h 16 |
#PPREF_RAMPUP | - Ppref fill with 12b indiv bunches - Stable beam declared - VdM scans in IP⅕ and checks in IP2/8 |
10295 27.10 22:43 28.10 07:11 0d 8h 28 |
- Collimation checks - Loss maps and ASD |
10294 27.10 10:20 27.10 22:43 0d 12h 22 |
- ALICE background fill. The the situation wrt 2023 seems to have improved even without additional mitigation measures in place - The collimator team did an aligment check of TCLA and loss maps |
10293 27.10 09:02 27.10 10:20 0d 1h 17 |
- BWS checks at FT |
10292 27.10 08:07 27.10 09:02 0d 0h 55 |
- Loss maps at injection and ASD |
10291 27.10 07:10 27.10 08:07 0d 0h 56 |
- Loss maps at injection and ASD |
10290 27.10 05:22 27.10 07:10 0d 1h 47 |
- Loss maps in collision |
10289 27.10 03:58 27.10 05:22 0d 1h 24 |
- Loss maps at qchange - Issue identified in the introduction of IP_OFFSET in IP5&8 that took place only after TCT alignment in September |
10288 27.10 02:52 27.10 03:58 0d 1h 5 |
- Loss maps at flattop and ASD |
10287 26.10 21:41 27.10 02:52 0d 6h 10 |
- AFP alignment and loss maps and ASD |
10286 26.10 19:29 26.10 21:41 0d 2h 12 |
- Steering at injection (made complicated by wrong butcket number) - Crystal were not in parking but at flat top settings creating losses |
10285 26.10 08:22 26.10 19:29 0d 11h 6 |
- Loss maps. |
10284 26.10 07:30 26.10 08:22 0d 0h 51 |
10283 26.10 06:22 26.10 07:30 0d 1h 8 |
10282 25.10 22:15 26.10 06:22 0d 8h 6 |
- SVC (TCR part) reconnected - 1st fill: Setting up crystals at injection, and updated the functions. - 2nd fill: Setting up crystals at flat top, loss maps at flat top for channelling, amorphous and volume reflection, linear scans. Channelling optimisation tests before dump. |
10281 25.10 13:40 25.10 22:15 0d 8h 34 |
- Afte the VIP visit in IP1Alignment of the TCT - Testing collisions - SVC (TCR part) tripped in P4 - Optimization of the BFPP bumps - Measuring aperture (test) and dumped on ATLAS BCM |
10280 25.10 05:54 25.10 13:40 0d 7h 46 |
- Ion cycle setup with ions (ramping and testing the collapse, steering with DOROS) |
10279 25.10 00:43 25.10 05:54 0d 5h 11 |
- Ion cycle setup with protons - Optics measurements |
10278 24.10 22:53 25.10 00:43 0d 1h 49 |
- Ion cycle setup with protons - Ramping and checking orbit and tunes |
10277 24.10 22:21 24.10 22:53 0d 0h 31 |
#DUCK | |
10276 24.10 16:50 24.10 22:21 0d 5h 31 |
- Injection and orbit correction of the ion cycle |
10275 24.10 14:21 24.10 16:50 0d 2h 28 |
#DUCK | - A lot of settings to prepare the ion cycle |
10274 21.10 06:37 24.10 14:21 3d 7h 44 |
#DUCK | - TS2 - Deploymnent of BLM Thresholds changes for the 2024 pp reference runIon RF ramp test - Tested the VdM scan |
10273 21.10 03:56 21.10 06:37 0d 2h 40 |
#MD | - MD9325 beam halo population measurements using collimator scans |
10272 20.10 21:37 21.10 03:56 0d 6h 19 |
#DUCK | |
10271 20.10 21:13 20.10 21:37 0d 0h 24 |
#DUCK | |
10270 20.10 20:42 20.10 21:13 0d 0h 30 |
#DUCK | |
10269 20.10 20:05 20.10 20:42 0d 0h 36 |
#DUCK | |
10268 20.10 19:02 20.10 20:05 0d 1h 2 |
#DUCK | |
10267 20.10 16:24 20.10 19:02 0d 2h 38 |
#MD | - MD13523 measurements for improvement of intensity dependent correction |
10266 20.10 16:23 20.10 16:24 0d 0h 1 |
#DUCK | |
10265 20.10 15:39 20.10 16:23 0d 0h 44 |
#DUCK | |
10264 20.10 14:15 20.10 15:39 0d 1h 23 |
#MD | - MD13523 measurements for improvement of intensity dependent correctio |
10263 20.10 12:12 20.10 14:15 0d 2h 2 |
#MD | - MD13523 measurements for improvement of intensity dependent correction |
10262 20.10 12:05 20.10 12:12 0d 0h 7 |
#DUCK | |
10261 20.10 08:54 20.10 12:05 0d 3h 10 |
#MD | - 10 INDIVS with low intensity and large emittance, WS measurements induced emittance growth, RF phase loop and abort gap cleaning switched off, clear impact of camera motor movement of BSRT on emittance measured by BSRT |
10260 20.10 07:24 20.10 08:54 0d 1h 29 |
#MD | - MD12804 negative octupole polarity at injection |
10259 20.10 06:25 20.10 07:24 0d 0h 58 |
#MD | - MD12804 negative octupole polarity at injection |
10258 20.10 05:02 20.10 06:25 0d 1h 22 |
#MD | - MD12804 negative octupole polarity at injection |
10257 20.10 02:35 20.10 05:02 0d 2h 27 |
#MD | - MD9551 ecloud heat load with high intensity at injection |
10256 20.10 00:31 20.10 02:35 0d 2h 3 |
#DUCK | |
10255 19.10 22:59 20.10 00:31 0d 1h 32 |
#MD | - MD9551 Ecloud heat load with high intensity |
10254 19.10 20:35 19.10 22:59 0d 2h 23 |
#MD | - MD9551 Ecloud heat load with high intensity |
10253 19.10 13:01 19.10 20:35 0d 7h 34 |
#MD | - MD13883 Optics with HV crossing plane |
10252 19.10 08:17 19.10 13:01 0d 4h 44 |
#DUCK | |
10251 19.10 08:15 19.10 08:17 0d 0h 1 |
#DUCK | |
10250 19.10 04:44 19.10 08:15 0d 3h 31 |
#MD | - RF MD12743 RF power limitations for high-intensity batches - Ramped with high intensity to see losses during ramp without staying at injection too much though due to time limitations - Dumped during ramp from RF trip |
10249 19.10 02:41 19.10 04:44 0d 2h 2 |
#MD | - RF MD12743 RF power limitations for high-intensity batches |
10248 19.10 02:31 19.10 02:41 0d 0h 10 |
#DUCK | |
10247 19.10 02:09 19.10 02:31 0d 0h 21 |
#MD | - RF MD12743 RF power limitations for high-intensity batches |
10246 19.10 00:51 19.10 02:09 0d 1h 18 |
#MD | - MD9325 beam halo population measurements using collimator scans at end of squeeze |
10245 19.10 00:04 19.10 00:51 0d 0h 46 |
#DUCK | |
10244 18.10 22:28 19.10 00:04 0d 1h 35 |
#DUCK | |
10243 18.10 20:08 18.10 22:28 0d 2h 19 |
#MD | - MD13703 ML assistance crystal collimation |
10242 18.10 17:57 18.10 20:08 0d 2h 10 |
#DUCK | |
10241 18.10 10:56 18.10 17:57 0d 7h 1 |
#MD | - MD13703 ML asistance crystal channeling optimization |
10240 17.10 21:49 18.10 10:56 0d 13h 6 |
#DUCK | |
10239 17.10 21:11 17.10 21:49 0d 0h 38 |
#DUCK | |
10238 17.10 16:21 17.10 21:11 0d 4h 50 |
#DUCK | |
10237 17.10 16:09 17.10 16:21 0d 0h 12 |
#DUCK | |
10236 17.10 13:17 17.10 16:09 0d 2h 51 |
#DUCK | |
10235 17.10 12:07 17.10 13:17 0d 1h 10 |
#DUCK | |
10234 16.10 23:36 17.10 12:07 0d 12h 30 |
#MD | - MD9405 Instability Growth Rate at Injection 2024 - Chroma to 2, -5, -10, -15, - Used pencil beams (emit=0.6) at 04:35 onwards |
10233 16.10 13:07 16.10 23:36 0d 10h 28 |
#MD | - Preparation of crystal setup and collimation studies - 24 pilots - Chroma to 10 and octupoles to 0 |
10232 16.10 07:23 16.10 13:07 0d 5h 44 |
- Last proton fill of 2024! |
10231 16.10 06:32 16.10 07:23 0d 0h 51 |
#DUCK | |
10230 15.10 22:29 16.10 06:32 0d 8h 3 |
#PHYSICS | - Dumped due to RF trip |
10229 15.10 21:44 15.10 22:29 0d 0h 44 |
#DUCK | |
10228 15.10 20:43 15.10 21:44 0d 1h 1 |
#DUCK | |
10227 15.10 18:51 15.10 20:43 0d 1h 52 |
#DUCK | |
10226 15.10 01:31 15.10 18:51 0d 17h 19 |
- 65% dump threshold during ramp due to extended stay at injection - Lifetime in collisions ~20h - BSRT tests on beam 1 |
10225 14.10 17:00 15.10 01:31 0d 8h 30 |
#PHYSICS | - 59% losses at start of ramp due to long stay at injection - Dumped due to instability, possibly due to ADT damping lost whe rebooting ADT app |
10224 14.10 06:47 14.10 17:00 0d 10h 12 |
#MD | - 2 colliding INDIV for FASER/SND background studies - Issue with LINCAC4 |
10223 13.10 19:42 14.10 06:47 0d 11h 4 |
#PHYSICS | - QPS RSD2.A12.B1 dump - Issues with ATLAS toroid |
10222 13.10 09:41 13.10 19:42 0d 10h 1 |
#PHYSICS | - Quench ITL1 - Minor instabilities in B2 going into collisions and during emittance scans |
10221 13.10 09:10 13.10 09:41 0d 0h 30 |
#DUCK | - Access and lost partol issues |
10220 13.10 04:32 13.10 09:10 0d 4h 37 |
#DUCK | - Access and lost partol issues |
10219 12.10 13:13 13.10 04:32 0d 15h 18 |
- QPS MB.B9.R1 dump |
10218 12.10 00:45 12.10 13:13 0d 12h 28 |
- QPS RQTL11.R5B2 dump - Instabilities in B2 in going to collisions and emittance scans - Emittance blow-up to 3um in both planes and beams |
10217 11.10 22:14 12.10 00:45 0d 2h 30 |
#BLAND | - QPS RSF A23 issues during ramp |
10216 10.10 18:01 11.10 22:14 1d 4h 13 |
#PHYSICS | - Lost cryo in P8 at EOF long waiting to recover conditions |
10215 10.10 09:51 10.10 18:01 0d 8h 9 |
#BLAND | - Access to fix QPS in RCS.A81B2 - ATLAS lost all mangets - FBCT needs a re-calibration as ~⅓e11 are reported fro debunched beam in - B1/B2 during ramp - FBCT needs a re-calibration as ~⅓e11 are reported fro debunched beam in |
B1/B2 during ramp | ||
10214 10.10 05:56 10.10 09:51 0d 3h 55 |
#BLAND | - PS POPS issues injectors down while filling LHC - Unmatched batchs in LHC show large blow-up - Run with higher chroma - 1740/1848 bunches |
10213 09.10 17:44 10.10 05:56 0d 12h 11 |
#PHYSICS | - RCS.A81B2 trip - Lost few injections due to low intenstiy (1.5e11) from SPS - Luminosity overshoot in all IPs due to the new FF algorithm - B2H orbit perturbations startign at 6R5 - Chroma up to 10/10 - CMS in large separation - Lifetime drop in B2 following the increase of chroma - While effect on B1 is much smaller and rather beneficial. |
recovered with tune trims: H +1e-3 and V -1e-3 | ||
10212 09.10 16:54 09.10 17:44 0d 0h 49 |
#DUCK | - RCBCH8.L8B2 tripped during pre-cycle |
10211 08.10 23:44 09.10 16:54 0d 17h 10 |
- Chorma increased to 20 before the EOF emittance scans |
10210 08.10 11:55 08.10 23:44 0d 11h 48 |
- Instant CMS lumi signal lost at start of SB - ATLS PU test up to 69 - SIS dump on PC correctors |
10209 08.10 06:40 08.10 11:55 0d 5h 14 |
#PHYSICS | - AFP issues - High losses in squeeze at Q6R4 - QPS trip on RCS.A81B2 |
10208 07.10 20:44 08.10 06:40 0d 9h 56 |
#PHYSICS | - Again issue with AFP roman pots - RF trip on M2B2 |
10207 07.10 16:18 07.10 20:44 0d 4h 26 |
#DUCK | - AFP issue |
10206 07.10 11:44 07.10 16:18 0d 4h 33 |
#PHYSICS | - RF line trip |
10205 07.10 10:51 07.10 11:44 0d 0h 52 |
#DUCK | - ADT issues at SPS |
10204 06.10 20:10 07.10 10:51 0d 14h 41 |
- 54 injections out of 48 planned - QPS trips in sector 56 - Low mu test at CMS about 7 |
10203 06.10 18:14 06.10 20:10 0d 1h 55 |
#DUCK | - QPS trigger - This time also in sector56 but not the same crate |
10202 06.10 15:21 06.10 18:14 0d 2h 52 |
#BLAND | - Short FT - QPS for 600A in sector5 |
10201 06.10 00:13 06.10 15:21 0d 15h 8 |
- BPM.25L1.B2 has started failing |
10200 05.10 04:07 06.10 00:13 0d 20h 6 |
- TED issue again |
10199 04.10 12:47 05.10 04:07 0d 15h 20 |
- First bunch of each train on the low side also in SPS - High heat loads in R4 triplet - CMS runs at 64 pileup |
10198 04.10 07:27 04.10 12:47 0d 5h 19 |
#DUCK | - Nan |
10197 03.10 15:42 04.10 07:27 0d 15h 44 |
- Chroma set to 6 |
10196 03.10 13:27 03.10 15:42 0d 2h 14 |
#DUCK | |
10195 03.10 11:34 03.10 13:27 0d 1h 52 |
#DUCK | |
10194 03.10 10:00 03.10 11:34 0d 1h 34 |
#DUCK | |
10193 03.10 09:51 03.10 10:00 0d 0h 9 |
#DUCK | |
10192 03.10 07:39 03.10 09:51 0d 2h 11 |
#DUCK | |
10191 03.10 03:39 03.10 07:39 0d 4h 0 |
#DUCK | |
10190 02.10 11:11 03.10 03:39 0d 16h 27 |
#PHYSICS | - With INDIVs for IP8 stydies - Physics fill after two pre-cycles - Instabilities on the 12b bunches in both beams during the fast beta* leveling segment - Chroma trimed to 10 - Problem switching on the wire |
10189 02.10 06:02 02.10 11:11 0d 5h 9 |
#PHYSICS | - RF trip |
10188 02.10 05:33 02.10 06:02 0d 0h 28 |
#DUCK | - High BLM losses after a wrong injection of B1 |
10187 02.10 04:23 02.10 05:33 0d 1h 10 |
#DUCK | - Trip of the RF B2 module2 |
10186 02.10 04:15 02.10 04:23 0d 0h 7 |
#DUCK | - Nan |
10185 01.10 21:59 02.10 04:15 0d 6h 16 |
#DUCK | - Nan |
10184 01.10 21:42 01.10 21:59 0d 0h 16 |
#DUCK | - Nan |
10183 01.10 20:27 01.10 21:42 0d 1h 15 |
#DUCK | - Nan |
10182 01.10 16:27 01.10 20:27 0d 3h 59 |
#DUCK | - Nan |
10181 01.10 01:24 01.10 16:27 0d 15h 3 |
#DUCK | - Nan |
10180 30.09 19:32 01.10 01:24 0d 5h 52 |
#MD | - MD11789 PPLP ramp |
10179 30.09 17:44 30.09 19:32 0d 1h 47 |
#MD | - MD11789 beam blow-up studies |
10178 30.09 16:47 30.09 17:44 0d 0h 56 |
#MD | - MD11789 and MD13403 ramp tests (PPLP fast ramp and smooth ramp for 2025) |
10177 30.09 15:01 30.09 16:47 0d 1h 46 |
#DUCK | - Preparation for next MD cycle |
10176 30.09 05:07 30.09 15:01 0d 9h 53 |
#MD | - MD9543 |
10175 29.09 19:20 30.09 05:07 0d 9h 47 |
#MD | - 13144Coronographresolutionstudy - 13583Improvedtune-shiftmeasurements |
10174 29.09 15:08 29.09 19:20 0d 4h 11 |
#MD | - 13144 Coronograph resolution study - 13583 Improved tune-shift measurements |
10173 29.09 07:58 29.09 15:08 0d 7h 10 |
#MD | - 11843 Collimation performance with HL-LHC settings |
10172 28.09 23:01 29.09 07:58 0d 8h 56 |
#MD | - 12723 HL-LHC optics cycle |
10171 28.09 17:14 28.09 23:01 0d 5h 46 |
#MD | - 13463ChrimaticitymeasurementinphysicsconditionswithBTFandADT-ACdipole |
10170 28.09 13:46 28.09 17:14 0d 3h 28 |
#MD | - 13463 Chrimaticity measurement in physics conditions with BTF and ADT-AC dipole |
10169 28.09 09:09 28.09 13:46 0d 4h 37 |
#MD | - 12663Wirecompensationduringthebeta*-leveling |
10168 28.09 08:22 28.09 09:09 0d 0h 46 |
#MD | - 12663Wirecompensationduringthebeta*-leveling |
10167 28.09 03:36 28.09 08:22 0d 4h 46 |
#MD | - 12663 Wire compensation during the beta*-leveling |
10166 28.09 03:15 28.09 03:36 0d 0h 21 |
#MD | - 6925Electroncloudcoupled-bunchtuneshiftsatinjection |
10165 28.09 02:38 28.09 03:15 0d 0h 36 |
#MD | - 6925Electroncloudcoupled-bunchtuneshiftsatinjection |
10164 28.09 01:45 28.09 02:38 0d 0h 53 |
#MD | - 6925Electroncloudcoupled-bunchtuneshiftsatinjection |
10163 28.09 00:43 28.09 01:45 0d 1h 2 |
#MD | - 6925Electroncloudcoupled-bunchtuneshiftsatinjection |
10162 28.09 00:22 28.09 00:43 0d 0h 21 |
#MD | - 6925Electroncloudcoupled-bunchtuneshiftsatinjection |
10161 27.09 23:51 28.09 00:22 0d 0h 30 |
#MD | - 6925Electroncloudcoupled-bunchtuneshiftsatinjection |
10160 27.09 22:39 27.09 23:51 0d 1h 12 |
#MD | - 6925Electroncloudcoupled-bunchtuneshiftsatinjection |
10159 27.09 22:17 27.09 22:39 0d 0h 21 |
#MD | - 6925Electroncloudcoupled-bunchtuneshiftsatinjection |
10158 27.09 21:33 27.09 22:17 0d 0h 44 |
#MD | - 6925Electroncloudcoupled-bunchtuneshiftsatinjection |
10157 27.09 20:12 27.09 21:33 0d 1h 20 |
#MD | - 6925Electroncloudcoupled-bunchtuneshiftsatinjection |
10156 27.09 20:10 27.09 20:12 0d 0h 2 |
#DUCK | |
10155 27.09 18:43 27.09 20:10 0d 1h 26 |
#MD | - 6925Electroncloudcoupled-bunchtuneshiftsatinjection |
10154 27.09 14:49 27.09 18:43 0d 3h 53 |
#MD | - Problems injecting - Captured 2.3 10*11 ppb, 248b trains |
10153 27.09 13:51 27.09 14:49 0d 0h 58 |
#MD | - 12743RFpowerlimitationsforhigh-intensitybatches |
10152 27.09 13:43 27.09 13:51 0d 0h 8 |
#MD | - 12743RFpowerlimitationsforhigh-intensitybatches |
10151 27.09 12:46 27.09 13:43 0d 0h 56 |
#MD | - 12743RFpowerlimitationsforhigh-intensitybatches |
10150 27.09 12:17 27.09 12:46 0d 0h 28 |
#MD | - 12743RFpowerlimitationsforhigh-intensitybatches |
10149 27.09 09:08 27.09 12:17 0d 3h 9 |
#MD | - 12743 RF power limitations for high-intensity batches |
10148 27.09 06:14 27.09 09:08 0d 2h 54 |
#MD | - 12663Wirecompensationduringbeta*-leveling |
10147 27.09 02:43 27.09 06:14 0d 3h 30 |
#MD | - 12663 Wire compensation during beta*-leveling |
10146 27.09 01:50 27.09 02:43 0d 0h 52 |
#MD | - 13723B1mismatchmitigationwiththenewQTLTFs |
10145 26.09 23:05 27.09 01:50 0d 2h 45 |
#MD | - 13723 B1 mismatch mitigation with the new QTL TFs |
10144 26.09 16:26 26.09 23:05 0d 6h 39 |
- Large offset in CMS |
10143 26.09 13:34 26.09 16:26 0d 2h 51 |
#PHYSICS | - Dump due to a RF fault |
10142 26.09 09:19 26.09 13:34 0d 4h 15 |
#PHYSICS | - Trip of RQ10.L8 |
10141 26.09 05:07 26.09 09:19 0d 4h 12 |
10140 25.09 23:10 26.09 05:07 0d 5h 56 |
#DUCK | |
10139 23.09 08:01 25.09 23:10 2d 15h 8 |
#PHYSICS | - Multiple checks done in the beginning of the fill - A trip of RCBXV2.L2 |
10138 22.09 16:59 23.09 08:01 0d 15h 2 |
#PHYSICS | - Problems with a power supply in RF - Pile up at CMS |
10137 22.09 06:48 22.09 16:59 0d 10h 11 |
#PHYSICS | - CMStestathighPU=67 - ProbleminsectorA81 - VacuumMKI2 |
10136 22.09 06:35 22.09 06:48 0d 0h 12 |
#DUCK | |
10135 21.09 17:32 22.09 06:35 0d 13h 2 |
#PHYSICS | - Magnet failure sector A81 |
10134 21.09 03:25 21.09 17:32 0d 14h 7 |
- Problems with MKI2A, vacuum level rising in P8 |
10133 21.09 02:34 21.09 03:25 0d 0h 51 |
#DUCK | |
10132 20.09 15:41 21.09 02:34 0d 10h 52 |
#PHYSICS | - Interlock of MKI2 at the last injection - Problems with sector 81 |
10131 20.09 13:30 20.09 15:41 0d 2h 10 |
#DUCK | - Sector 81 lost |
10130 19.09 22:21 20.09 13:30 0d 15h 9 |
- 42% loss at RAMP - An offset of > 1cm present from the start at LHCb |
10129 19.09 16:28 19.09 22:21 0d 5h 53 |
#BEAM_COMMISSIONING | - Commissioning of pp reference run optics (collimation alignment and loss maps) - At the end of the fill an intervention on ALICE solenoid was performed |
10128 19.09 07:54 19.09 16:28 0d 8h 34 |
#BEAM_COMMISSIONING | - Commissioning of pp reference run (optics commissioning at injection and flattop) |
10127 18.09 19:59 19.09 07:54 0d 11h 55 |
- Trimming of the chromaticity before the end-of-fill emittance scan https://gitlab.cern.ch/lhclumi/fill-tagger/-/blob/master/elog_follow_up_md/10127.md#2024-09-19-072808 |
10126 18.09 07:42 18.09 19:59 0d 12h 16 |
- ADT V1B1 had an issue (OFF), piquet solved it - ALICE observed the oscillation of lumi due to SPS playing a cycle for LHCIONS in the TL - Impact of the wire and of the tune trim: https://gitlab.cern.ch/lhclumi/fill-tagger/-/blob/master/elog_follow_up_md/10126.md#2024-09-18-191042 - Beams dumped on RCBV8.L5B2 |
10125 17.09 15:58 18.09 07:42 0d 15h 44 |
- BSRT B2 crashed (after beta*=30cm) |
10124 17.09 15:49 17.09 15:58 0d 0h 9 |
#DUCK | - Precycling |
10123 17.09 11:18 17.09 15:49 0d 4h 30 |
- First bunch of injected train blown up in B1V https://gitlab.cern.ch/lhclumi/fill-tagger/-/blob/master/elog_follow_up_md/10123.md#2024-09-17-122804 - The blow up in B1V seems due to the MKI delay of the pulse of 10 ns (https://gitlab.cern.ch/lhclumi/fill-tagger/-/blob/master/elog_follow_up_md/10123.md#2024-09-17-140745)Dump during the first ATLAS emittance scan by RQT5.LR3 trip |
10122 16.09 18:29 17.09 11:18 0d 16h 49 |
- Large UFO in IP1 when going to collision (43% of the threshold) - Good lifetime at the collapse (>15 h) |
10121 16.09 17:54 16.09 18:29 0d 0h 34 |
#DUCK | - Precycle |
10120 16.09 12:32 16.09 17:54 0d 5h 21 |
- Access to fix ROD.A12B1 and for ATLAS to fix a rack turbine failure in UX15 - A heat wave in the tunnel caused a loss of cryo maintain in MSR8 - ROD.A12B1 tripped and dumped the beam at the start of the ramp |
10119 16.09 09:17 16.09 12:32 0d 3h 14 |
- Good lifetime (>17 h) at the collapse - Beams were dumped by a trip of a dozen QPS on three separate QPS boards in sector 12 (ROD, ROF, RSDF, RQT). The QPS piquet investigated and advised to call the EPC piquet as for him the QPS triggered following current perturbations on the power converters |
10118 15.09 16:45 16.09 09:17 0d 16h 32 |
- No lumi from LHCb during the ADJUST - Only 11 h of lifetime at the collapse |
10117 15.09 14:14 15.09 16:45 0d 2h 31 |
- Losses at the start of the ramp https://gitlab.cern.ch/lhclumi/fill-tagger/-/blob/master/elog_follow_up_md/10117.md#2024-09-15-152646 - Very good lifetime at the collapse https://gitlab.cern.ch/lhclumi/fill-tagger/-/blob/master/elog_follow_up_md/10117.md#2024-09-15-160313 - TO_STUDY: chromaticity scans https://gitlab.cern.ch/lhclumi/fill-tagger/-/blob/master/elog_follow_up_md/10117.md#2024-09-15-163815 - Dumped on RQT5.R3 |
10116 14.09 20:33 15.09 14:14 0d 17h 40 |
- UFO during the preparion of the ramp - 30% of threshold dump at the start of the ramp |
10115 14.09 07:57 14.09 20:33 0d 12h 35 |
- Asked to scrape a bit more in SPS - Chroma target reduced from 7 to 6 at and below 60 cm, impact of chroma decrease on lifetime not very clear (but it is a small decrease) - 23 hours lifetime at the collapse - B2V WS is not working - BBLR CW on and tune compensated (+2e-3 B1H and +1e-3 B1V) - Dump due to COD communication lost in S81 - After the dump, LBDS B1 MKB earthing switches faulty, like in the dump during the ramp yesterday (but the dump was not triggered by LBDS this time). |
10114 14.09 07:53 14.09 07:57 0d 0h 3 |
#DUCK | |
10113 14.09 07:34 14.09 07:53 0d 0h 19 |
#DUCK | - Short issue with the sequencer |
10112 13.09 22:10 14.09 07:34 0d 9h 24 |
- B1 dumped due to QDS trip of correcto RCBXH3.L8 |
10111 13.09 20:43 13.09 22:10 0d 1h 26 |
- QPS trigger a dump during the injection plateau. The RQ10.L8 quenched (looks QPS induced) - Before the dump, last injection in B2 (L8) was ~30s before and did not show any unusual losses or trajectory |
10110 13.09 18:40 13.09 20:43 0d 2h 3 |
- 43% of the BLM threshold dump at the start of the ramp - Dumped durign the ramp for B1 LBDS self-trigger |
10109 13.09 16:30 13.09 18:40 0d 2h 10 |
- 25% of the BLM threshold dump at the start of the ramp - Minimum lifetime at collapse is 20 h - Dumped by RQ6.R3 QPS trigger during emittance scan (probably a SEU) |
10108 13.09 07:23 13.09 16:30 0d 9h 6 |
- Programmed access for most of the fill - 12b of B1 got blown up during the injection plateau - Debunched beam was high, when trying the ramp the beams were dumped on losses |
10107 12.09 16:13 13.09 07:23 0d 15h 10 |
- Observed some blow up of the first injected beams of B1 in V - RF expert adjusted the half detunning while injecting - 30% threshold dump at the start of the ramp - Dumpend on electrical glitch (RD2.L5, RQX.L5, RTQX½.L5, RF cavirieys, ALICE and LHCb dipoles, MKIs tripped) |
10106 12.09 15:06 12.09 16:13 0d 1h 7 |
#DUCK | - Injection oscillation correction |
10105 11.09 18:35 12.09 15:06 0d 20h 31 |
- Good lifetime at the end of collapse (>16 hours) - Co-Linearity scans: scanned between [0.5, 2] units in IP1 (nominal 1.0) and between [-0.5, 0.5] units in IP5 (nominal 0.0). Did not find a significant improvement, although the optimum for IP5 might be slightly below 0. - Hiccup due to expiring GitLab tokens |
10104 11.09 11:19 11.09 18:35 0d 7h 15 |
- 36%/dump at the start of the ramp - Not straightforward to optimizet the IP8 luminosity (initially no luminosity from LHCb and using the BRAN) - Chromaticity trim https://bblumi.web.cern.ch/fills/2024/10104/#chromaticity-trims - Dumped due to the RF line 2B2 trip (to fix it, the experts replaced PSU and changed one-runt feedback card) |
10103 11.09 07:07 11.09 11:19 0d 4h 11 |
- Changing the polarity of the LHCb dipole - Problem injecting beam 1 due to MKE6 - Following a miskick at injection and a significant blow up, the fill was dumped https://gitlab.cern.ch/lhclumi/fill-tagger/-/blob/master/elog_follow_up_md/10103.md#2024-09-11-111707 - #TO_STUDY: can we compare the simulated transverse blow-up due to the miskick at injection with the measurement? |
10102 11.09 04:31 11.09 07:07 0d 2h 36 |
- Losses at the start of the ramp (44% of the threshold) - Just after the SB declaration, an electrical glitch tripped: RF, RQ5.LR7 and the LHCb magnet |
10101 11.09 02:14 11.09 04:31 0d 2h 16 |
- The injection was long due to a problem with the SPS extraction kicker - The fill was dumped due to start of ramp losses https://gitlab.cern.ch/lhclumi/fill-tagger/-/blob/master/elog_follow_up_md/10101.md#2024-09-11-040711 - #TO_STUDY: several bunches stayed at injection for a long time, it can be useful for the emittance blow-up studies |
10100 10.09 09:43 11.09 02:14 0d 16h 30 |
- Some fine tuning deployed for the longitudinal BU during the ramp,https://gitlab.cern.ch/lhclumi/fill-tagger/-/blob/master/elog_follow_up_md/10100.md#2024-09-10-100947 - Delayed injection due to hiccups with the PS - Very long (1h) injection - Losses at start of ramp are quiet high (up to 60% of the threshold), a lot of unbunched beam - + 1e-3 Qh for B2 helps the life time in collisions - A sudden change of lumi in all IPs outside of beta* change or flattening. Seems to be an orbit effect coming from ~6R5, compatible with a quadrupole shift (~0.18 urad kick, opposite signs for the 2 beams), alleviated by the increased gain in the CO feedback https://gitlab.cern.ch/lhclumi/fill-tagger/-/blob/master/elog_follow_up_md/10100.md#2024-09-10-153513 - BSRT B1V problem of degradation https://gitlab.cern.ch/lhclumi/fill-tagger/-/blob/master/elog_follow_up_md/10100.md#2024-09-10-181547 |
10099 10.09 02:14 10.09 09:43 0d 7h 29 |
- At the start of SB, B1H tuens was trimmed +1e-3 to match the B2 lifetime, https://gitlab.cern.ch/lhclumi/fill-tagger/-/blob/master/elog_follow_up_md/10099.md#2024-09-10-040939 - Dumped by the cooling issue tripping ALICE dipole, https://be-op-logbook.web.cern.ch/elogbook-server/GET/showEventInLogbook/4140611 |
10098 09.09 18:34 10.09 02:14 0d 7h 39 |
- MKI temperatures limits were increased to allow for injection (~2 deg for MKI2, 1.5 deg for the non-COOL MKI8)) - Still problem on BSRT B1, https://be-op-logbook.web.cern.ch/elogbook-server/GET/attachment/3764619/content - Lifetime in ADJUST improved by q-trim, https://gitlab.cern.ch/lhclumi/fill-tagger/-/blob/master/elog_follow_up_md/10098.md#2024-09-09-212313Dumped on RF trip of line 3B2, https://gitlab.cern.ch/lhclumi/fill-tagger/-/blob/master/elog_follow_up_md/10098.md#2024-09-10-020543 - Can we ask to add the beta* for all IPs in the global post mortem event? https://gitlab.cern.ch/lhclumi/fill-tagger/-/blob/master/elog_follow_up_md/10098.md#2024-09-10-020348 |
10097 09.09 03:55 09.09 18:34 0d 14h 39 |
- MKI temperature is rising due to the relative short fills - 32-34% lossses at the start of the ramp - In IP8, the orbits were a bit off at the start of SB - LHCb did a luminosity scan around 16:40 (by incresing 15% the requested luminosity), https://be-op-logbook.web.cern.ch/elogbook-server/GET/attachment/3764326/content - Very weird effect on BSRT B1V, https://be-op-logbook.web.cern.ch/elogbook-server/GET/attachment/3764444/content - The fill was OP dumped earlier, to allow for an intermediate soft start was perfomed on MKI, https://be-op-logbook.web.cern.ch/elogbook-server/GET/attachment/3764523/content |
10096 08.09 20:16 09.09 03:55 0d 7h 38 |
- Large UFO in 4R5! - RQT5.R3 tripped and caused beam dump |
10095 08.09 03:35 08.09 20:16 0d 16h 40 |
- Increased the IP8 separation by a significant step to bring LHCb down below their typical target. - Losses start of ramp around 35%. |
10094 07.09 21:33 08.09 03:35 0d 6h 2 |
- Beam dumped due to vaccum around point 1 |
10093 07.09 14:33 07.09 21:33 0d 6h 59 |
- Dumped initial probe beam due to QPS board MQ.31R1 of RQD.A1 then reinjected - First bunch of each B2 PS batch is blown up in emittance at end of injection - BLM crate P3 stopped publishing and SIS triggered dump |
10092 06.09 22:21 07.09 14:33 0d 16h 11 |
- During the filling one train got a bit blown up due a bad kick in beam 2 (but it was rather marginal) |
10091 06.09 12:57 06.09 22:21 0d 9h 24 |
- Fill following cryo intervention in TU8 at point 8 - 33% of losses in IR3 during ramp - Dumped dur to trip on RQT12.L1B1 |
10090 05.09 21:31 06.09 12:57 0d 15h 26 |
- Bunch intensity quatliy improved - Beam dumped to give access to cryo in P18 |
10089 05.09 19:57 05.09 21:31 0d 1h 34 |
- UFO on triple 3R8 during squeeze but UFO buster did not catch it - LINAC4 DTL2 in fault delaying injections |
10088 05.09 18:14 05.09 19:57 0d 1h 42 |
#DUCK | - BLM issue blocking injection |
10087 05.09 01:52 05.09 18:14 0d 16h 22 |
- Bunch intensity variations due to PS cavity issues - Significant step in horizontal emittance more in B1 and less in B2 - BSRT B2 reading errors due to SEU for some period |
10086 04.09 20:23 05.09 01:52 0d 5h 29 |
- A low intensity shot on fifth train of B1 (or sixth if you count the 12b!) - RF trip on line 1B1 |
10085 04.09 18:39 04.09 20:23 0d 1h 43 |
- Triggered ATLAS BCM during rump at around 6 TeV |
10084 03.09 18:41 04.09 18:39 0d 23h 57 |
- Kept long in luminosity decay mode to allow SPS to be ready for beam but eventually dumped by OP - 1st and 2nd PS batch significantly lower in intensity - IP8 eventuallly went head on |
10083 03.09 18:15 03.09 18:41 0d 0h 25 |
#DUCK | |
10082 03.09 09:51 03.09 18:15 0d 8h 24 |
- Injection issued due to high-intensity pilots visible by BPMs interlock - Low-intensity bunches in the trains from PS - No stable bunch intensity due to L4 source instabilities - BBLR wire for B1 was at 1A instead of 0A (before using it!) but not seen by the interlock system - RQD/F trip in S56 probably bu SEU |
10081 03.09 09:04 03.09 09:51 0d 0h 46 |
#DUCK | - Injector setup, L4 source conditioning - High pilot bunch intensity |
10080 02.09 22:40 03.09 09:04 0d 10h 24 |
#DUCK | - Cryo recovery after quench in S67 and S78 |
10079 02.09 21:28 02.09 22:40 0d 1h 11 |
#DUCK | - Cryo recovery after quench in S67 and S78 |
10078 02.09 05:56 02.09 21:28 0d 15h 31 |
#DUCK | - Cryo recovery after quench in S67 and S78 |
10077 01.09 18:17 02.09 05:56 0d 11h 38 |
- IPQ quench (quench of RQ10.R6 and RQ10.L8 cryo lost) - IP8 18kV transformers problem |
10076 01.09 15:54 01.09 18:17 0d 2h 23 |
#DUCK | - Electrical perturbation in 225kV line |
10075 01.09 09:12 01.09 15:54 0d 6h 41 |
- Electrical perturbation in 225kV line - BSRT for beam 2 was stuck |
10074 31.08 15:34 01.09 09:12 0d 17h 38 |
- Not great quality of beams from injectors (1.4-1.8e11 spread) - Losses at start of ramp 38% - Filled abort gap |
10073 30.08 22:27 31.08 15:34 0d 17h 6 |
- BLM sanity checks - Bad quality of pilots and 12b from injectors - Since august 14th BSRT gives B1V ~0.5um larger not confirmed by emittance scans |
10072 30.08 07:26 30.08 22:27 0d 15h 0 |
- Good fill after electical glitch - Injected without precycling |
10071 30.08 07:22 30.08 07:26 0d 0h 4 |
#DUCK | - Precycle |
10070 30.08 02:41 30.08 07:22 0d 4h 40 |
- Injection was perfect - During the ramp BBQ B2 V Gated flattened and stopped the QFB, switched QFB to Gated OD device for B2 and continued in the cycle. - Small tune optimization in collisions, emittance scan and started B* levelling - Beam was dumped due to a electrical glitch tripping RB.A12 |
10069 29.08 11:16 30.08 02:41 0d 15h 25 |
- Instability in B2 when going in ADJUST - B2V tune was increased by 1e-3 at the end of Qchange (it arrives a bit lower thatn B1 since a few cycles) - Luminosity jittered (mostly in IP2) due to orbit variatio. Increasing the OFB gain from 0.2 to 1 imporved the situation |
10068 29.08 06:41 29.08 11:16 0d 4h 34 |
- Dumped in SB by trip in RB circuit in S12 - Access needed to fix the issue in RB circuit in S12 |
10067 29.08 04:52 29.08 06:41 0d 1h 48 |
- Strange BU at B1 H injection - Dumped by RF trip during injection |
10066 28.08 20:33 29.08 04:52 0d 8h 19 |
- No horizontal scraping in SPS on first B1 injection - No losses at the start of the ramp - Minimum lifetime ~7h B1, ~12h B2 - Pausing beta* levelling, pausing separation levelling and separating ATLAS (~0.7 sigma) to reduce heat load - ATLAS lumi stuck since 01:24 as they stopped publishing. Cryo is stable |
10065 28.08 19:13 28.08 20:33 0d 1h 19 |
- No precycle done (since the PILOT test was very good) - Very good injections of all trains - No losses at the start of the ramp - Dumped on ATLAS BCM for small UFO |
10064 28.08 17:06 28.08 19:13 0d 2h 7 |
- Dumped during the injection of trains - Cryo lost in MS R8 at injection (heat wave from previous cryo fault); slight orbit effect and increased losses in IR7 |
10063 28.08 16:58 28.08 17:06 0d 0h 8 |
#DUCK | |
10062 27.08 03:38 28.08 16:58 1d 13h 19 |
#DUCK | - Access for following the Point 8 cryo problem |
10061 26.08 19:51 27.08 03:38 0d 7h 47 |
- B1V1 large blow up at the injection - Dumped at injection following and error from the sequencer - It was an OP dump but following a cryo issue |
10060 26.08 18:27 26.08 19:51 0d 1h 23 |
#PHYSICS | - B1V1 large blow up at the injection - Dumped at injection following and error from the sequencer |
10059 26.08 14:37 26.08 18:27 0d 3h 50 |
- ADT tests on B1 INDIVs - Test with injection, few dumps at injection - LHC requested to lower a bit the intensity to SPS - Instability on B2 and good lifetime in collapse: tune too close? - ALICE testing higher luminosity - Dumped on RCBWH5.L3 PC problem |
10058 26.08 12:15 26.08 14:37 0d 2h 21 |
#DUCK | - ADT tests on B1 INDIVs |
10057 26.08 07:41 26.08 12:15 0d 4h 34 |
#DUCK | - Access for the vacuum equipment communication problem and P2 compensator - Ramp down of the ALICE solenoid and dipole - Access needed to reset RBA23 and RBA12 to reset a breaker following the restart of the active filter |
10056 25.08 15:17 26.08 07:41 0d 16h 24 |
- Harmonic filters tripped in Pt2 at 5:15 am (do we see it on the noise) - The leveling in IP5 was out of steam, but it recovererd with the autopilot so the separation levelling was put back on to limit the PU - Dumped on vacuum interlock in L1 |
10055 25.08 15:03 25.08 15:17 0d 0h 13 |
#DUCK | - Still problems with the ADT kicking the 12b |
10054 25.08 14:51 25.08 15:03 0d 0h 11 |
#DUCK | - Used to fix a problem with the AGC: the ADT module V2B1 - the one that lost all settings - is acting on end of the 12b train instead of the abort gap |
10053 25.08 13:03 25.08 14:51 0d 1h 48 |
#DUCK | - Various test fot checking the post-mortem issue of the previous fill - ADT abort cap cleaning exciting the 12b train; lost intensity triggered P6 interlock BPMs - QPS trip RSD/RSF A67 |
10052 24.08 21:46 25.08 13:03 0d 15h 17 |
- A bit higher bunch intensity (not explicitly asked for but within due to the inherent fluctuations) - ADT Module V2B1 tripped and could not be recovered with a simple reset - Post-mortem issue - ROD.A67B1 tripped during the rampdown |
10051 24.08 21:18 24.08 21:46 0d 0h 27 |
#DUCK | - Precycle |
10050 24.08 10:11 24.08 21:18 0d 11h 7 |
- Perfect injection (not a single shot lost): 1h49 TURNAROUND - Dumped on PC of RB.A12 - A bit higher bunch intensity (not explicitly asked for but within due to the inherent fluctuations) |
10049 23.08 18:44 24.08 10:11 0d 15h 26 |
- Fill with 2282 bunches and 2 INDIV - The INDIV emittance were very large (from 3 to 4 um) - Going in collisions, the Indiv bunches has suffered (lost >50% of the intensity) |
10048 23.08 10:23 23.08 18:44 0d 8h 21 |
- MD9325 - 260 bunches per beam - Bofore the MD, the ROD.A67.B1 PC issue was fixed with an access - After the MD, the ALICE polarity was changed to negative (both for the solenoid and the dipole) - Michi, Andy and Helga did the LSA RF cleaning, no LSA-HW mismatches for RF in NON_MULTIPLEXED BP anymore |
10047 23.08 06:22 23.08 10:23 0d 4h 0 |
#DUCK | |
10046 22.08 20:58 23.08 06:22 0d 9h 24 |
#MD | - MD6943 60 degree arc FODO cell phase advance LHC optics |
10045 22.08 17:11 22.08 20:58 0d 3h 46 |
#MD | - MD12803 on low tails and emittance growth at injection |
10044 22.08 12:56 22.08 17:11 0d 4h 15 |
#DUCK | |
10043 22.08 12:36 22.08 12:56 0d 0h 19 |
#DUCK | |
10042 22.08 09:05 22.08 12:36 0d 3h 31 |
#MD | - MD 12805 Impact of longitudinal impedance and betatron coupling on the Schottky spectrum |
10041 22.08 08:00 22.08 09:05 0d 1h 5 |
#DUCK | |
10040 22.08 04:08 22.08 08:00 0d 3h 51 |
#MD | - MD12805 impact of longitudinal impedance and betatron coupling |
10039 21.08 18:58 22.08 04:08 0d 9h 10 |
#MD | - MD6925 Electron cloud coupled-bunch tune shifts at injection |
10038 21.08 14:45 21.08 18:58 0d 4h 12 |
#MD | - MD12723 HL-LHC optics cycle |
10037 21.08 12:35 21.08 14:45 0d 2h 10 |
#DUCK | |
10036 21.08 00:51 21.08 12:35 0d 11h 44 |
#MD | - MD11786 Threshold of longitudinal loss of Landau damping |
10035 20.08 19:30 21.08 00:51 0d 5h 20 |
#MD | - MD12844 Faser background mitigations - Significant blowup for B2H and loss of intensity when going to collisions |
10034 20.08 07:57 20.08 19:30 0d 11h 32 |
#DUCK | |
10033 20.08 06:11 20.08 07:57 0d 1h 46 |
#DUCK | |
10032 20.08 04:08 20.08 06:11 0d 2h 2 |
#MD | - MD6925 Electron cloud coupled-bunch tune shifts at injection - Problems with RF |
10031 20.08 03:14 20.08 04:08 0d 0h 54 |
#MD | - MD6925 Electron cloud coupled-bunch tune shifts at injection |
10030 20.08 01:41 20.08 03:14 0d 1h 33 |
#MD | - MD6925 Electron cloud coupled-bunch tune shifts at injection |
10029 20.08 00:06 20.08 01:41 0d 1h 34 |
#MD | - MD12743 RF power limitations for high intensity batche |
10028 19.08 22:55 20.08 00:06 0d 1h 11 |
#MD | - MD12743 RF power limitations for high intensity batches |
10027 19.08 21:29 19.08 22:55 0d 1h 25 |
#MD | - MD12743 RF power limitations for high intensity batches |
10026 19.08 20:50 19.08 21:29 0d 0h 39 |
#MD | - MD12743 RF power limitations for high intensity batches |
10025 19.08 19:58 19.08 20:50 0d 0h 52 |
#MD | - MD12743 RF power limitations for high intensity batche |
10024 19.08 18:59 19.08 19:58 0d 0h 58 |
#MD | - MD12743 RF power limitations for high intensity batche |
10023 19.08 18:02 19.08 18:59 0d 0h 57 |
#MD | - MD12743 RF power limitations for high intensity batche - Issue with RF for high intensity MDs, RF doesn't capture beam with 2.3e11 ppb, beam rapidly debunches and BCCMS considers loss of intensity |
10022 19.08 17:41 19.08 18:02 0d 0h 20 |
#MD | - MD12743 RF power limitations for high intensity batche |
10021 19.08 15:49 19.08 17:41 0d 1h 51 |
#MD | - MD12743 RF power limitations for high intensity batches - Dumped due to BCCM |
10020 19.08 11:38 19.08 15:49 0d 4h 10 |
#MD | - MD12783 octupole threshold at the sweet spot 3rd fill |
10019 19.08 08:57 19.08 11:38 0d 2h 41 |
#MD | - MD 12783 second fill Octupole sweet spot width - Tune feedback switched off at 10:49 |
10018 19.08 06:31 19.08 08:57 0d 2h 25 |
#MD | - Start of MD3. - MD 12783 Octupole sweet spot width - 14 bunches with decreasing emittances up to flattop. first bunch reported blown up from injection misteering. reduced octupoles to 60 A and chroma to 20, many bunches got unstable. - Dumped due to sextupole trip unrelated to MD |
10017 18.08 16:25 19.08 06:31 0d 14h 5 |
- LHCb is back - Steering corrections with B1H 2x36b - Second train blownup on the third PS batch, blowup also in B2 |
10016 18.08 05:58 18.08 16:25 0d 10h 26 |
#PHYSICS | - 50% losses at start of ramp - LHCb fully separated - Dumped due to trip of L3B2 |
10015 18.08 03:44 18.08 05:58 0d 2h 13 |
#DUCK | - Dumped at end of injection due to RQT4 |
10014 17.08 21:39 18.08 03:44 0d 6h 5 |
#PHYSICS | - 2 missing trains for beam 2 due to quadrupole issue in TI8 - 65% losses at the start of ramp - LHCb separated - Dumped due to trip of RCBH |
10013 17.08 16:56 17.08 21:39 0d 4h 43 |
- B2 72b was a bit worse in terms of orbit than 12b, sent additional correction. i - Orbit drift during injection oberved. OFB was switched ON after the first 2x36b and then at the end when injection was completed. - LHCb dipole OFF, fully separated in IP8 - Beta* leveling without fast ramp up - RF L6B2 tripped |
10012 17.08 11:58 17.08 16:56 0d 4h 58 |
#PHYSICS | - Dumped again due to LHCb magnet trip |
10011 17.08 10:39 17.08 11:58 0d 1h 18 |
#DUCK | - Injected but only checked orbits |
10010 16.08 21:27 17.08 10:39 0d 13h 12 |
- Dumped due to trop of LHCb magnet |
10009 16.08 15:32 16.08 21:27 0d 5h 55 |
#DUCK | |
10008 16.08 15:25 16.08 15:32 0d 0h 6 |
#DUCK | |
10007 16.08 05:32 16.08 15:25 0d 9h 53 |
#DUCK | - Fire on point 4 compensator due to water condensation that provoked electrical arc |
10006 15.08 14:04 16.08 05:32 0d 15h 27 |
- LHCb asked not to level yet on luminosity at the start of SB as it is not reliable, fixed later - Large impact of longitudinal blow up on IP1 virtual pile-up. As a consequence, two steps of beta* levelling were strongly shortened. - Wires switched ON at 00:36 and tune trims - Dumped due to MKD issue |
10005 14.08 22:35 15.08 14:04 0d 15h 29 |
- Wires ON at 09:22 and tune trims - Lowered target longitudinal blowup at SB to 1.18 ns |
10004 14.08 18:40 14.08 22:35 0d 3h 54 |
#PHYSICS | - One train has larger emittance, and first bunch is more blown up. Was correlated with larger injection oscillations - Tune trims at start of SB - Dumped due to electrical network perturbation |
10003 14.08 18:04 14.08 18:40 0d 0h 35 |
#DUCK | |
10002 14.08 11:13 14.08 18:04 0d 6h 51 |
#PHYSICS | - Again large injection oscilations B2V first bunch of train - Injection with some delays in the middle and last train of B2 - 32% losses start of ramp - Dumped by trip of RSD1.A23B2 |
10001 13.08 20:18 14.08 11:13 0d 14h 55 |
- Bad MKI kick in B2 in the middle of the filling - Both beams first bunch in each batch is blown up especially for vertical plane - Bunch length was lowered to 1.2 ns |
10000 13.08 14:22 13.08 20:18 0d 5h 56 |
#PHYSICS | - Large injection oscillations in both B1 and B2 V for first bunch of 36b trains - Dumped due to general glitch |
9999 13.08 14:21 13.08 14:22 0d 0h 0 |
#DUCK | |
9998 13.08 14:20 13.08 14:21 0d 0h 0 |
#DUCK | |
9997 13.08 13:36 13.08 14:20 0d 0h 44 |
#DUCK | |
9996 12.08 16:18 13.08 13:36 0d 21h 18 |
- Wires ON at 04:24, tune trims - Went back in adjust at the end of the fill for scraping measurements. Scraped down to 3 sigma for all beams and planes with wires ON and OFF |
9995 12.08 03:49 12.08 16:18 0d 12h 28 |
- B2 filled first due to B1 injection issue - Energy matching resulted in less debunches beam at the start of ramp - Reported that the accumulation of debunched beam start during ramp preparation but before preparing RF for ramp - Minimum lifetime at start of collisions 8h for B1 and 6h for B2 - Dumped due to QPS trigger on RB.A23 |
9994 11.08 17:56 12.08 03:49 0d 9h 53 |
#PHYSICS | - 69% dump threshold during ramp - Triplet heat load above limit and the beta* leveling is stopped, resumed after a bit. Issue with cold compressor in point 8 - Dumped due to RF trip |
9993 11.08 15:14 11.08 17:56 0d 2h 41 |
#DUCK | |
9992 11.08 13:17 11.08 15:14 0d 1h 56 |
#PHYSICS | - Dumped due to energy extraction issue on ROD.A56B2 |
9991 11.08 12:06 11.08 13:17 0d 1h 11 |
#DUCK | - Dumped during injection due to RF |
9990 11.08 10:16 11.08 12:06 0d 1h 49 |
#PHYSICS | - No warnings in the beginning of the ramp this time. - Dumpd during ramp due to cryo conditions lost in sector 81 due to heat wave |
9989 10.08 17:02 11.08 10:16 0d 17h 14 |
- A bad injection for B2 with first bunches blown up. On the IQC we see injection oscilations but the kicker pulsed OK. The (average) injection oscillations are compatible with a ~5 urad miskick of the MKI. - 60% dump threshold at the start of the ramp - Wires ON at 05:33 and tune trims |
9988 10.08 03:12 10.08 17:02 0d 13h 49 |
- CMS not taking data, leveling IP5 down to mu=5, switched to 62 at the end of the fill - Potential UFO after 20 min in stable beams |
9987 09.08 09:31 10.08 03:12 0d 17h 41 |
- Lost CMS lumi signal, problems with their tracker, CMS lumi signal back after a while |
9986 08.08 17:14 09.08 09:31 0d 16h 16 |
- BWS B2V not working - Steering in B1H, B2H, B2V on 2x36b - Very efficient filling of the machine - Lifetime at collisions 7h - Wires on at 02:43 and tune optimizations - Spikes in ALICE lumi, spikes disappeared when SPS put transfer line in economy mode. |
9985 08.08 14:26 08.08 17:14 0d 2h 48 |
#DUCK | - AUG pushed in SG4 building in point 4. Mains tripped with DISCHARGE REQUEST from PC (cooling water) |
9984 08.08 03:23 08.08 14:26 0d 11h 3 |
- Problem with an RF server (RF piquet was called, access needed to replace a CPU in PZ45) - Finally ALICE solved the problem and the access was cancelled - Losses at the start of the ramp up to 45% of the threshold - QPS tripped & fired heaters for RQ5.R5 - Qprime target = 7 during beta* levelling at the suggestion of Rogelio |
9983 07.08 12:18 08.08 03:23 0d 15h 4 |
- 33% of losses at the start of the ramp - Possibly very short UFO in 33L2) - ALICE requested an urgent access after the current fill |
9982 06.08 20:18 07.08 12:18 0d 16h 0 |
- Bad train on B2 when injecting 72b - 60% of losses at the start of the ramp |
9981 06.08 14:45 06.08 20:18 0d 5h 32 |
#DUCK | - RQT12.L8B1 tripped during rampdown - Test of an RF dry ramp: RF FGCs triggered the same problem but in B1. Experts accessed PZ45 |
9980 06.08 12:54 06.08 14:45 0d 1h 50 |
- LHCb magnet issue solved and ramped back up - RF B2 frequency interlock at the start of ramp |
9979 06.08 08:29 06.08 12:54 0d 4h 25 |
#DUCK | - Access for the LHCb magnet PC (broken fan) |
9978 05.08 18:34 06.08 08:29 0d 13h 55 |
- WS B2V does not work - 44% of losses at the start of the ramp - Large UFO in 6R5, 37% losses just after the collision process - LHCb magnet PC tripped and dumped the beam (despite cooling water temperature perfectly at the setpoint (26 deg, alarm at 27 deg; temperature drop after the trip)) |
9977 05.08 18:33 05.08 18:34 0d 0h 1 |
#DUCK | - Precycle |
9976 05.08 16:13 05.08 18:33 0d 2h 19 |
#DUCK | - RB.A78 and RQS.R2B2 tripped when starting the precycle: access of the EPC piquet |
9975 05.08 11:56 05.08 16:13 0d 4h 17 |
#DUCK | - Access following the communication problem of the FGCs in Point 7 - SND emulsions changed and access in LHCb (muon chamber issue), ALICE and CV in Point 3 |
9974 04.08 17:22 05.08 11:56 0d 18h 34 |
- Very good turn-around-time - Losses at 39% during start of ramp - Added another 2x5 um to LHCb initial separation - SIS communication lost with 3 FGC crates in P7 (rl7b, rr7g, rr7c) |
9973 04.08 02:06 04.08 17:22 0d 15h 15 |
- 51% losses in the beginning of the ramp (although the injection was smooth and RF phase corrected) |
9972 03.08 23:36 04.08 02:06 0d 2h 30 |
- Short (a bit over 1 h) access for CMS - Trip of RQT13 R3B, dumped the beams after the first 12b |
9971 03.08 12:29 03.08 23:36 0d 11h 6 |
- Wire scanner B2V missing: FESA class is reporting PMT high voltage is not ON - Again problem in damper modules during the ramp, V2B1 and H1B2 (recovered at FLATTOP) - Same damper modules tripped twice during the SB (they could be switched back on) - Dumped by UFO in 10R1, the UFO buster did not catch the event |
9970 03.08 06:55 03.08 12:29 0d 5h 34 |
- BQM B1 has a bucket mismatch of 1. Real injection of pilot B1 was 4461, but 4462 was reported - SIS dump due to communication issue with CODs |
9969 02.08 14:13 03.08 06:55 0d 16h 41 |
- Weird injection for B2 due to MKI (I tagget it as #TO_STUDY) - 72% losses in the beginning of the ramp, probabply due to the injection phase eror - Some damper modules, V2B1 and H1B2, tripped during the ramp bit it was switched back on - The abort gap population in B1 was a bit high |
9968 02.08 11:14 02.08 14:13 0d 2h 59 |
#DUCK | - Intervention for the QPS of RQT13.R5B½ |
9967 01.08 21:30 02.08 11:14 0d 13h 44 |
- QPS FIP communication dump on RQT13.R5B½, access required - Preliminary online computed BSRT calibration was implemented as of Fill 9967 as well as the new focusing position of the lens |
9966 01.08 17:20 01.08 21:30 0d 4h 10 |
#BSRT | - BRST callibration |
9965 01.08 16:55 01.08 17:20 0d 0h 24 |
#PHYSICS | - Failure at injection, trip of RQ4.R2 |
9964 01.08 12:52 01.08 16:55 0d 4h 2 |
#DUCK | |
9963 01.08 10:46 01.08 12:52 0d 2h 5 |
#DUCK | |
9962 01.08 01:27 01.08 10:46 0d 9h 18 |
- Possible power supply problem |
9961 01.08 01:03 01.08 01:27 0d 0h 23 |
#DUCK | |
9960 31.07 14:30 01.08 01:03 0d 10h 33 |
#PHYSICS | - Quenches in S67 and S78, cryo lost - MKI overheated |
9959 31.07 13:10 31.07 14:30 0d 1h 20 |
#PHYSICS | - Losses beginning of ramp - LBDS self triggering, access needed |
9958 31.07 12:25 31.07 13:10 0d 0h 44 |
- Too large blow-up of the first 12b due to steering, reinject |
9957 31.07 12:22 31.07 12:25 0d 0h 3 |
#DUCK | |
9956 31.07 12:20 31.07 12:22 0d 0h 2 |
#DUCK | |
9955 31.07 12:17 31.07 12:20 0d 0h 3 |
#DUCK | |
9954 31.07 12:08 31.07 12:17 0d 0h 8 |
#DUCK | |
9953 31.07 11:33 31.07 12:08 0d 0h 35 |
#DUCK | - Nfs problems |
9952 31.07 11:33 31.07 11:33 0d 0h 0 |
#DUCK | |
9951 30.07 20:46 31.07 11:33 0d 14h 47 |
- Energy drift - Larger emittace, SPS confirms larger emittance as well - Distributions not uniform - 46% max loss at start of ramp |
9950 30.07 19:56 30.07 20:46 0d 0h 49 |
#PHYSICS | - Steering 12b and 36b |
9949 30.07 18:59 30.07 19:56 0d 0h 57 |
- 12b - steering needed - Protection dump |
9948 30.07 18:42 30.07 18:59 0d 0h 16 |
#DUCK | |
9947 30.07 08:04 30.07 18:42 0d 10h 37 |
#PHYSICS | - Losses 43% at start of RAMP - ATLAS has problems with the luminosity publishing - Cooling water problems in IR4 affecting e.g. the BPMs - RF went in saturation line 5B1 |
9946 30.07 06:19 30.07 08:04 0d 1h 44 |
#PHYSICS | - Losses at start of RAMP 38% - Faulty BEM card dump at 520GeV |
9945 29.07 16:04 30.07 06:19 0d 14h 14 |
- BSRA calibration failed - UFO in 21R6 |
9944 29.07 14:33 29.07 16:04 0d 1h 31 |
#DUCK | |
9943 29.07 00:03 29.07 14:33 0d 14h 29 |
- BSRT B2 not working - UFO L1 reported 39% losses - BSRT B1 used for BI studies between 10:38 - 11:38 on coronograph studies |
9942 28.07 12:16 29.07 00:03 0d 11h 47 |
- Extended stay at injection by 15 minutes, 63% losses in IR3. 10% higher emittances than usual, PU target needed to be increased - B1 after second longitudinal blowup slow debunching with abort gap contantly filling up - BSRT issue for B2 |
9941 28.07 00:53 28.07 12:16 0d 11h 22 |
- Reported that SPS scraping not stable - Manual dump trigger just before loss of cryo in MR8 |
9940 28.07 00:51 28.07 00:53 0d 0h 2 |
#DUCK | |
9939 27.07 08:48 28.07 00:51 0d 16h 2 |
- Wires ON and tune trims at 18:11 - BSRT B1 crashed, recovered, first with issues but then ok - Dumped due to IT L8 trip |
9938 27.07 07:16 27.07 08:48 0d 1h 32 |
#PHYSICS | - Dumped at injection due to loss of cryo |
9937 26.07 17:12 27.07 07:16 0d 14h 3 |
- Min lifetime going to collisions > 10h - Dumped due to lost cryo in MSR8 |
9936 26.07 12:09 26.07 17:12 0d 5h 3 |
#PHYSICS | - Large injecyion losse first injection of 72b, no issue with SPS craper - BBQ spectrum of B1H got very noisy at ~2.5 TeV - Dumped due to RF line 4B2 trip |
9935 26.07 05:43 26.07 12:09 0d 6h 25 |
- Tuned IP2 position - Dumped due to QPS trigger on RQT12.R5B1 |
9934 26.07 01:46 26.07 05:43 0d 3h 56 |
#PHYSICS | - Dumped due to electrical glitch that tripped the RF |
9933 26.07 00:46 26.07 01:46 0d 0h 59 |
#DUCK | |
9932 25.07 16:55 26.07 00:46 0d 7h 51 |
- Dumped due to QPS issue |
9931 25.07 00:19 25.07 16:55 0d 16h 35 |
- 30 cm reached after 5.5 h in SB, 2 steps cut short by longitudinal blow-up, but leveling ended >7h - Again issues with SR4 temperature rising |
9930 24.07 14:38 25.07 00:19 0d 9h 41 |
#DUCK | |
9929 24.07 14:36 24.07 14:38 0d 0h 1 |
#DUCK | |
9928 24.07 08:02 24.07 14:36 0d 6h 34 |
#DUCK | |
9927 23.07 22:12 24.07 08:02 0d 9h 50 |
- Issues with SR4 temperature before starting this fill - Steering correction in TI8-H - Dumped early for access |
9926 23.07 06:14 23.07 22:12 0d 15h 58 |
- SPS H scraping did not work for the first 2x36 bunches B1 - FBCT recalibration as debunched beam overestimated at the start of ramp - Lifetime going to collisions ~10h - LHCb high in lumi after optimizations, increaee of initial separation in next fill - Orbit jumps reported that affected lumis in all IPs, IP1 leveling stopped and had to be restarted - FBCT calibration - Emittance scans at the end of the fill also for IP8 (IP8 went head-on at the end of collisions). blowup during emittance scan reported, blowup of beam 2 happened mainly during scan in IP1 |
9925 23.07 02:46 23.07 06:14 0d 3h 27 |
#PHYSICS | - Bunch a bit longer than usual 1.6 ns instead of 1.2 ns due to issue with SPS cavity. Debunched beam at injection consitent with previous fill even if slighlty degraded bunch length in SPS - Dumped due to electrical glitch |
9924 23.07 01:41 23.07 02:46 0d 1h 5 |
#DUCK | - SPS cavity issue |
9923 22.07 08:31 23.07 01:41 0d 17h 9 |
- RF phase modulation parameters change, excitation amplitude increased to 0.6 deg to be above threshold. minimum bunch length to 1.22 ns. longitudinal q factor much lower with new excitation - ATLAS wrong lumi published at the end of adjust by a factor of 3, fixed at the start of SB - 10h lifetime when going to collisions - Spike in IP2 luminosity before the beta* leveling at 56 cm due to sudden jump of B2H DOROS orbit due to bad BPM reading - Tune optimizations with wire on, increasing horizontal tune for beam 1 was beneficial - Went back to adjust at the end of the fill and moved out jaw of TCSG |
9922 22.07 06:44 22.07 08:31 0d 1h 47 |
#PHYSICS | - Intensity spread reported during injection, few injections rejected due to ma intensity. - Dumped due to LBDS self-trigger |
9921 21.07 13:11 22.07 06:44 0d 17h 33 |
- One smaller intensity batch went through the LHC - Tests with longitudinal blowup |
9920 20.07 18:45 21.07 13:11 0d 18h 25 |
- Bunch length target for B1 in SB reverted back to 1.25 ns and then lowered at 1.22 - Losses during longitudinal blowup - Studies with abort gap cleaning, losses at every trigger of the bunch length blowup related to abort gap cleaning. Impact of blowup strong on beam 1 than on beam 2. |
9919 20.07 17:45 20.07 18:45 0d 1h 0 |
#PHYSICS | - Dumped at injection due to LINAC4 issues |
9918 20.07 16:24 20.07 17:45 0d 1h 20 |
#DUCK | |
9917 20.07 01:07 20.07 16:24 0d 15h 17 |
- Lifetime in adjust >10h - Beam 1 blow-up target to 1.22 ns, at collisions when head-on down to 1.2ns - Wires ON and tune trims at 10:23 - Dumped due to spurious QPS trigger |
9916 19.07 22:44 20.07 01:07 0d 2h 23 |
#PHYSICS | - Extended stay at injection due to MKI2 vacuum interconnect issue - Dumped due to losses in IR3 at the start of the ramp |
9915 19.07 18:10 19.07 22:44 0d 4h 33 |
#DUCK | |
9914 19.07 10:10 19.07 18:10 0d 8h 0 |
#DUCK | |
9913 19.07 07:50 19.07 10:10 0d 2h 20 |
#DUCK | |
9912 19.07 02:03 19.07 07:50 0d 5h 46 |
- Dumped for an urgent access cooling of tile calorimeter in ATLAS - The bunch lenght target is maintained at 1.22 ns |
9911 18.07 05:21 19.07 02:03 0d 20h 41 |
- 2 h SY-ABT conditioning at the start of the fill for MKD B2 flashover - LHCb changed polarity (several settings of the lumi-server changed accordingly) - B1H blowup for first 72b due to poor orbit - Losses at 55% at start of ramp - More than 18 h of B1 at the end of collapse - Performed b* levelling in steps and re-optimized IP8 along to implement FF after polarity reversal - Almost 95% of dump to dump losses in IR3 RS12 for B1 - Tested Qp back to 10 to check effect on IR3 losses during blow-up: no effect - At the end of the fill, target bunch lentgh was also reduced from 1.25 to 1.22 ns (not strong conclusion there) |
9910 17.07 13:11 18.07 05:21 0d 16h 9 |
- Strange pattern of emittance in B1 V at injection - 40% BLM threshold at start of ramp, lifetime >100 h during ramp, and ~20h min lifetime when going into collision - Wrong lumi provived by LHCb causing a runaway of levelling until inhibited by 30%/dump on IR8 BLMs - SPS switched off TI2/TI8 and clear effect in IP2/8 luminosity - 7 h of L-levelling - Instability in B2 then in B1 following the longitudinal BU (just before switching on the wires) - MKB B2 fault induced the dump |
9909 17.07 12:14 17.07 13:11 0d 0h 57 |
#PHYSICS | - Dump on lost of cryo condition (only 12b injected) |
9908 17.07 11:35 17.07 12:14 0d 0h 39 |
#DUCK | |
9907 17.07 06:18 17.07 11:35 0d 5h 17 |
#DUCK | - No beam due PS RF intervention - Several problem on LHC side (RCBH25.R6B2 fault not cleared,lost communication with Point 5) - ATLAS magnets tripped |
9906 16.07 19:15 17.07 06:18 0d 11h 2 |
#PHYSICS | - One orbit corrector tripped (RCBH25.R6B2), caused 0.03mm orbit drift, but did not dump the beams. - QPS tripped RCBXH3.L8 during stable beams |
9905 16.07 02:43 16.07 19:15 0d 16h 31 |
- Still problem with the ALICE solenoid, beams separated in IP2 but ramped at ~11:00 CET. ALICE in collision at 11:55 CET - Despite opening the BQM and the larger intensity spread, quite a few missed injections - BLM at 32% at the start of the ramp - Tune trim +1e-3 in B1H and B2H - Chromaticity reduced from 9 to 8 (from 60 cm)) - IP5 levelling out of steam after ~07:10h in SB |
9904 15.07 20:11 16.07 02:43 0d 6h 32 |
#PHYSICS | - Still problem with the ALICE solenoid, beams separated in IP2 - Injection delayed by and RF synch problem - A few bunches have too large bunch length. Not easy to correct in PS, in general a difficult filling - 77% of threshold at start ramp - Tune trims +2E-3 in B1H and B2H at the end of the collisions BP -> beneficialDumped on RF cavity module 2 B2 (elecrical glitch) |
9903 15.07 18:38 15.07 20:11 0d 1h 32 |
#DUCK | - Ramping up ALICE solenoid |
9902 15.07 14:03 15.07 18:38 0d 4h 34 |
#DUCK | - Precycle after trip of RB.A81 |
9901 15.07 11:41 15.07 14:03 0d 2h 22 |
- Injection aborted due to PSB problem - Someone pushed an AUG in building 355 so the Meyrin complex went down - #TO_STUDY: interesting case for the emittance evolution in the PSB |
9900 14.07 19:18 15.07 11:41 0d 16h 22 |
- Tune FB B2V switched OFF at ~6.3 TeV and back ON at flattop - Wires on with tune optimization |
9899 14.07 04:18 14.07 19:18 0d 14h 59 |
- No drop of beamlife when switching the wires on - BU of the emittances for B1 on the last bunches of the last train of B1 |
9898 14.07 03:24 14.07 04:18 0d 0h 54 |
- Used corrections with pilots - The train for beam 2 didnt arrive but wasnt clear for the automatic system so it asked and EIC clicked the wrong button saying it was arrived. The EIC deiced to dumped the beam (few trains injected and a mismatch of conditions). |
9897 14.07 02:07 14.07 03:24 0d 1h 17 |
- Beam dumped at injection since the injectors were w/o beam - Started filling but after ~500 bunches PS lost a power supply. EIC dumped when it was clear it would be at least 1h. |
9896 13.07 10:24 14.07 02:07 0d 15h 43 |
- 2352 bunches are back - Dumped due to a UFO in 25L4 during the ramp at 6.5 TeV - 0.87 1/fb |
9895 13.07 05:08 13.07 10:24 0d 5h 16 |
- 400 bunches for the LHCb VELO checks - An UFO in 6.R5.B1 going to collision (no dump, 77% of the threshold) |
9894 13.07 04:59 13.07 05:08 0d 0h 8 |
#DUCK | - Cycling |
9893 13.07 03:30 13.07 04:59 0d 1h 29 |
- The undulators were not ON and to avoid any mismatches the EIC decided to turn them on. Other power converters were already armed so when the timing even was sent all power converter started to play. Not everything was armed so the EiC decided to dump using the switch but just at the same time the beam was dumped by PC interlock. |
9892 13.07 03:22 13.07 03:30 0d 0h 8 |
#DUCK | |
9891 12.07 18:45 13.07 03:22 0d 8h 36 |
#PHYSICS | - 400 bunches for the LHCb VELO checks - Dumped in SB due to a fault in RB45 converter - Flooding Level 3 Alarm in UD68 |
9890 12.07 17:50 12.07 18:45 0d 0h 55 |
#PHYSICS | - 400 bunches for the LHCb VELO checks - Beams dumped at injection due to Mains disturbances affecting also 1 RF cavity module |
9889 12.07 16:45 12.07 17:50 0d 1h 5 |
- 400 bunches following the LHCb VELO request, to check the VELO movement - Dumped due to an UFO in 25R3 during the ramp at 6.3 TeV |
9888 12.07 13:03 12.07 16:45 0d 3h 41 |
#DUCK | - Q was trimmed to reach 9 instead of 10 at beta*=30 cm - A lot of accesses in the shadow of SPS problems |
9887 11.07 12:14 12.07 13:03 1d 0h 48 |
#DUCK | - Access in Point 4 for the RF problem - Problem in SPS with the burnt RF coupler - LHCb access to check the VELO movement |
9886 11.07 04:28 11.07 12:14 0d 7h 46 |
#PHYSICS | - Beams separated in IP2 at the start and then put back to target - Spikes in ALICE luminosity every 36 seconds, also seen on BRANs - Tune trims during leveling - Beams dumped due to RF interlock |
9885 11.07 01:36 11.07 04:28 0d 2h 51 |
#PHYSICS | - Dumped due to RF trip |
9884 10.07 15:32 11.07 01:36 0d 10h 4 |
#DUCK | |
9883 10.07 08:02 10.07 15:32 0d 7h 30 |
- Tune trims at start of leveling and 45 cm - Dumped due to QPS issue |
9882 10.07 07:07 10.07 08:02 0d 0h 54 |
#DUCK | |
9881 10.07 04:54 10.07 07:07 0d 2h 13 |
#DUCK | - Beams lost due to bad injection from SPS, injection of b1 with a lot of losses, beam losses at injected provoked quench on RB.A12 |
9880 10.07 02:52 10.07 04:54 0d 2h 2 |
#PHYSICS | - Instabilities seen around 6TeV - Dumped due to instability, B1 became unstable at the end of the ramp |
9879 09.07 21:14 10.07 02:52 0d 5h 37 |
#PHYSICS | - MKI8 miskicking for B2 middle of the filling - SPS RF issues slowed down injecyion - 2352 bunches - Dumped due to FGC crate stopped publishing data for a few ms |
9878 09.07 07:35 09.07 21:14 0d 13h 38 |
- Low tail BCMS - Wires switched on at 17:56 CET and tune trim optimizations - Dumped to electrical glitch tripping PC RBA12 |
9877 08.07 15:00 09.07 07:35 0d 16h 34 |
- Filling scheme is 2282 bunches with indivs - Back to BCMS with low tails - Bad lifetime in adjust <4h - Instability on the 12b during beta* leveling first in B1 then in B2 - Tune trims at 52 cm - Wires switched ON at 23:38 and tune trim optimization |
9876 08.07 14:50 08.07 15:00 0d 0h 10 |
#DUCK | |
9875 08.07 13:54 08.07 14:50 0d 0h 55 |
#DUCK | - Alice selonoid is back |
9874 08.07 10:02 08.07 13:54 0d 3h 51 |
#DUCK | - RCBH issue is fixed |
9873 07.07 20:32 08.07 10:02 0d 13h 30 |
#PHYSICS | - Issue with PS splitting, impact on bbb intensity, PS splitting trims reverted and beam was improved - IP2 is separated - Dump due to arc 56 trip |
9872 07.07 17:14 07.07 20:32 0d 3h 17 |
#DUCK | |
9871 07.07 12:55 07.07 17:14 0d 4h 19 |
#PHYSICS | - ALICE solenoid OFF and ALICE separated during collisions - UFO during collisions - Dump due to PC trip RB.A56 |
9870 07.07 11:05 07.07 12:55 0d 1h 50 |
#DUCK | |
9869 07.07 03:34 07.07 11:05 0d 7h 30 |
#PHYSICS | - UFO reported at flat top, at the same time trip of ALICE solenoid due to water leak - Stable beams with ALICE solenoid OFF, IP2 separated as ALICE not collecting data - Dumped due to trip RB.A56.PC |
9868 07.07 02:34 07.07 03:34 0d 0h 59 |
#DUCK | - WS measurements - Dumped at injection due to cryo lost in P8 |
9867 06.07 22:12 07.07 02:34 0d 4h 22 |
- Dumped due to UCO 12.R6 |
9866 06.07 17:14 06.07 22:12 0d 4h 57 |
#DUCK | |
9865 06.07 07:49 06.07 17:14 0d 9h 24 |
- Issue with RCBH9.R5B1 PC, masked during the fill, FIDEL OFF - MKI8 miss kick at one injection, impact on emittance of the injected train, not on intensity - Emittance blowup with ecloud patterns reported in both beams and planes, increased octupoles and reverted to nominal before ramp. Instability because of vertical tunes decaying without FIDEL compensation. - Damping in ADT module 2 B1V OFF - Dumped due to quench in cell 29L1 |
9864 06.07 01:18 06.07 07:49 0d 6h 31 |
#PHYSICS | - 15 point emittance scan at start of collisions - Dumped due to trip of RCBCH9.R5B1 |
9863 06.07 00:49 06.07 01:18 0d 0h 28 |
#DUCK | |
9862 05.07 16:13 06.07 00:49 0d 8h 36 |
- Blow-up for 1st train of B1 at injection, not there during WS measurements - 15pts emittance scan at start of collisions - Dumped due to PC RB.A56 trip |
9861 04.07 22:09 05.07 16:13 0d 18h 3 |
- Nominal BCMS - Intensity at 1.56e11 ppb - Tune trims at stable beams - ATLAS/CMS imbalance of 1.8% when head-on - Emittance scan at 30 cms, beams are round, very similar to low tail BCMS - Wires ON at 08:55 CET and tune optimization |
9860 04.07 09:49 04.07 22:09 0d 12h 20 |
- Emittance scans at 30cm - Wires ON - Dumped due to power converter RQ4.LR3 trip |
9859 04.07 07:12 04.07 09:49 0d 2h 36 |
- Dumped on RQTL11.R5B2 |
9858 04.07 02:22 04.07 07:12 0d 4h 50 |
- Interesting MKI B2 bad shot, dumped for refilling |
9857 03.07 20:51 04.07 02:22 0d 5h 31 |
- RCD.A78B2 (decapole) tripped, it is not interlocked - Dumped on RQT.L8B1 and RQT.L8B2 (perhaps a single event upset) |
9856 03.07 19:30 03.07 20:51 0d 1h 20 |
#DUCK | - SPS problem with the injector kicker - Beam was dumped for refilling later |
9855 03.07 17:36 03.07 19:30 0d 1h 53 |
#DUCK | - Some injection tests with trains then dumped to refill |
9854 03.07 17:26 03.07 17:36 0d 0h 10 |
#DUCK | - Precycle |
9853 03.07 14:43 03.07 17:26 0d 2h 42 |
#DUCK | - MKI8 access and opportunistic access to check RQT12.L1B1 |
9852 03.07 00:53 03.07 14:43 0d 13h 49 |
- Reduced BCMS tails - Dumped on circuit RQ4.LR3 |
9851 02.07 16:43 03.07 00:53 0d 8h 9 |
- Reduced BCMS tails - Dumped on circuit RQT12.L1B1 - Overshoot in ATLAS luminosity |
9850 02.07 15:12 02.07 16:43 0d 1h 30 |
#DUCK | - Long recovery due to a QPS and RF issue |
9849 01.07 21:28 02.07 15:12 0d 17h 44 |
- Reduced BCMS tails - A lot of Q trims during L-levelling for lifetime optimization - Almost record luminosity per fill - Triplet cryo heat load on the triplet in IP5 (right) is going up steadily - Separation levelling in IP5 ran out at beta*=36cm and 33 cm, while it did not run out in IP1 - MKI temperatures are growing, reaching 95% of threshold |
9848 01.07 14:18 01.07 21:28 0d 7h 9 |
- Reduced BCMS tails |
9847 01.07 11:54 01.07 14:18 0d 2h 23 |
#DUCK | |
9846 01.07 07:21 01.07 11:54 0d 4h 33 |
9845 01.07 06:47 01.07 07:21 0d 0h 33 |
#DUCK | - Cycling |
9844 01.07 02:16 01.07 06:47 0d 4h 31 |
#DUCK | - Access for QPS piquet |
9843 30.06 19:19 01.07 02:16 0d 6h 56 |
- 2352 bunches - Lifetime going in collision is good - Effect of tune trim +1e-3 on B1H was beneficial (120 cm) - Further tune trims at 56 cm were also beneficial (+1E-3 in B2H was clear) - Dumped on QPS of QT13.R5B1 |
9842 30.06 02:32 30.06 19:19 0d 16h 47 |
- 2352 bunches - After turning on the LRBB, go back up and also increasing vertical with 1e-3 significantly improved the lifetime - Effect of tune trim +1e-3 on B1H was beneficial (120 cm) - 7h in stable beams before reached the end of separation levelling in IP⅕ - To avoid over heating the triplet beam were separated in IP5 at 13:05 (CET) and back HO at 13:55 |
9841 29.06 22:19 30.06 02:32 0d 4h 12 |
#DUCK | |
9840 29.06 07:35 29.06 22:19 0d 14h 44 |
- 2352 bunches - Lifetime went down significantly only for beam 1 going to 45cm (recovered with DeltaQH=-2e-3) - It was decided to deploy for next cycles 1e-3 on Q[1,2]H at start of collisions |
9839 29.06 06:00 29.06 07:35 0d 1h 34 |
#DUCK | |
9838 29.06 00:28 29.06 06:00 0d 5h 32 |
#PHYSICS | - 2352 bunches - B1 lifetime suffering more in the last 2 beta* steps (45 and 42cm), while B2 was essentially flat - Lost secctor 81 and dump |
9837 28.06 22:31 29.06 00:28 0d 1h 57 |
#DUCK | - A lot of steering for the injection |
9836 28.06 22:07 28.06 22:31 0d 0h 23 |
#DUCK | - Pre-cycle |
9835 28.06 17:34 28.06 22:07 0d 4h 33 |
#DUCK | |
9834 28.06 15:57 28.06 17:34 0d 1h 36 |
#DUCK | |
9833 27.06 22:48 28.06 15:57 0d 17h 8 |
#DUCK | - Long cryo problem |
9832 27.06 13:15 27.06 22:48 0d 9h 33 |
- One batch of B1 with lower intensity - High losses in IP2 due to worng ALICE luminosity signal forced using the BRAN to level the luminosity - Modified interlock level for TCTPH.4L5.B1 interlock from 2.7 to 2.8V |
9831 27.06 03:03 27.06 13:15 0d 10h 12 |
#DUCK | - Injection issues - SPS non availability |
9830 27.06 01:32 27.06 03:03 0d 1h 30 |
#DUCK | - Injection issues - SPS non availability |
9829 26.06 21:40 27.06 01:32 0d 3h 52 |
#DUCK | - Injection issues |
9828 26.06 15:09 26.06 21:40 0d 6h 30 |
#DUCK | - BPM calibration attempts - Issue with SPS magnet - TI2 transfer line |
9827 25.06 23:11 26.06 15:09 0d 15h 57 |
#DUCK | - Electrical glich - Sps cooling issue |
9826 25.06 13:06 25.06 23:11 0d 10h 5 |
#MD | - RF calibration |
9825 25.06 01:11 25.06 13:06 0d 11h 54 |
#MD | - Ion beam commissioning |
9824 24.06 22:43 25.06 01:11 0d 2h 28 |
#MD | - MD11766 - 28b/beam |
9823 24.06 17:56 24.06 22:43 0d 4h 46 |
#MD | - MD11766 |
9822 24.06 16:00 24.06 17:56 0d 1h 55 |
9821 24.06 09:57 24.06 16:00 0d 6h 3 |
#MD | - MD11243 (HL-LHC optics cycle) |
9820 24.06 07:56 24.06 09:57 0d 2h 0 |
#DUCK | |
9819 23.06 13:36 24.06 07:56 0d 18h 19 |
- First bunches in the batch with lower intensity from injectors - Highter background in ATLAS x10 - Low mu scan in ATLAS, programmed OP dump to prepare cryo access at P8 |
9818 23.06 11:26 23.06 13:36 0d 2h 10 |
#DUCK | - SPS RF issues - Cryo conditions |
9817 23.06 02:27 23.06 11:26 0d 8h 58 |
#DUCK | - SPS RF issues - Cryo conditions |
9816 22.06 23:13 23.06 02:27 0d 3h 13 |
- 2352b physics - Large variations in LHCb levelling - Atlas at 66u - Cryo dump at RQ9.L8 caused QPS dump |
9815 22.06 22:01 22.06 23:13 0d 1h 12 |
#DUCK | - Various issues preventing injections |
9814 22.06 19:48 22.06 22:01 0d 2h 13 |
#DUCK | - Various issues preventing injections |
9813 22.06 11:40 22.06 19:48 0d 8h 8 |
#QPS_DUMP | - ATLAS PU increased to 66 - Large losses in MQXA.3R1 - UA43.UNIT.B trip caused QPS dump |
9812 21.06 20:01 22.06 11:40 0d 15h 38 |
- 2352b physics - High satellite bunches at end of 108b train - High losees in MQXA.3R1 - Wires on |
9811 21.06 18:23 21.06 20:01 0d 1h 37 |
#DUCK | - Injection issues |
9810 21.06 04:31 21.06 18:23 0d 13h 52 |
- 2282b physics - PS bad splitting - One batch of B2 with lower intensity - Problem with published ATLAS lumi causing stop of leveling and issues with cryo - QPS of ROF.A12B1(RR17) caused dump |
9809 21.06 02:53 21.06 04:31 0d 1h 37 |
- Fill dump on lossed during the injection (B2 bad injection) |
9808 20.06 16:03 21.06 02:53 0d 10h 49 |
- 1239 bunches step for the intensity ramp up - Lifetime going in collision is minimum for B1 (5h) but still good - The BRAND.L2 was "calibrated" to bring the lumi in the right order of magnitude in IP2 - CMS pileup request is 67 (virtal set to 69)Wire ON but B1 lifetime degraded, almost fully recovered by deltaQH_B1= +2e-3 (also hierarchy improved) - Wires were switched ON/OFF to check the effect on the hierarchy - End of fill scraping |
9807 20.06 13:44 20.06 16:03 0d 2h 19 |
#DUCK | - RQT13.L8B2 tripped at injection |
9806 20.06 07:40 20.06 13:44 0d 6h 3 |
- 400 bunches (25ns_375b_362_262_283_108bpi_8inj_3INDIVs) - ATLAS solenoid rampdown during the fill - Non-colliding 12b started blowing up around ~10:25 - No hierarchy breackage |
9805 20.06 06:17 20.06 07:40 0d 1h 23 |
#DUCK | - BPMs miscalibrated (40 MHz) |
9804 20.06 02:11 20.06 06:17 0d 4h 5 |
- LHCb dipole back - 75b intensity ramp up step - Dumped at 33 cm to be able to inject 36b trains at 07:00 |
9803 19.06 20:35 20.06 02:11 0d 5h 36 |
- 75b intensity ramp up step (25ns_75b_62_32_62_12bpi_9inj_3INDIVs) - LHCb dipole off |
9802 19.06 18:33 19.06 20:35 0d 2h 1 |
#BEAM_COMMISSIONING | - Prepare the for the 75b by correcting the 12b orbit - ATS toroid tripped - Next fill with LHCb dipole off |
9801 19.06 16:15 19.06 18:33 0d 2h 18 |
#INTENSITY_RAMPUP | - 4b intensity ramp up step - Dumped on SIS B2 orbit (looks like the ON_DISP bump) |
9800 19.06 12:44 19.06 16:15 0d 3h 30 |
- Loss maps at 120 cm and asynch dump test with wires+roman pots |
9799 19.06 09:24 19.06 12:44 0d 3h 20 |
- Loss maps at 38.5 cm - Some checks with the wires - Dumped on MQY 5R6 just before the asynch dump test |
9798 19.06 06:03 19.06 09:24 0d 3h 20 |
- Loss maps at 48.5, 38.5, 32.5, 30 (w/o and w/ BBLR) cm - 10 Hz event, see also the elog F9800 (quick investigations with CV920 Cryo valves and ADT reading point that no activity took place around that moment) |
9797 19.06 06:00 19.06 06:03 0d 0h 3 |
#DUCK | |
9796 19.06 00:24 19.06 06:00 0d 5h 35 |
#BEAM_COMMISSIONING | - Loss maps at 105.5, 93, 82.5, 72.5, 60 cm - RB.56 tripped during the rampdown of the previous fill but it was dumped on the same problem just before the asynch dump test |
9795 18.06 20:35 19.06 00:24 0d 3h 49 |
- Loss maps at 48.5, 38.5, 32.5 30 cm (30 cm w/o and w/ wires) |
9794 18.06 18:39 18.06 20:35 0d 1h 56 |
- Loss maps at 120 cm |
9793 18.06 17:38 18.06 18:39 0d 1h 0 |
#BEAM_COMMISSIONING | - Dump on a water pump trip |
9792 18.06 17:02 18.06 17:38 0d 0h 36 |
- Loss maps at injection |
9791 18.06 16:48 18.06 17:02 0d 0h 13 |
#DUCK | |
9790 18.06 10:57 18.06 16:48 0d 5h 51 |
- Loss maps at injection |
9789 17.06 05:29 18.06 10:57 1d 5h 27 |
- Aperture and optics measurement at 30 cm - Extraction of an INDIV at top energy via the ADT excitation |
9788 17.06 02:53 17.06 05:29 0d 2h 35 |
- Loss maps during the at 105.5, 93, 82.5, 72.5, 60 cm |
9787 16.06 23:46 17.06 02:53 0d 3h 7 |
- Loss maps Q-change and 120 cm |
9786 16.06 21:49 16.06 23:46 0d 1h 57 |
- Loss maps at FT and asynchronous dump |
9785 16.06 21:45 16.06 21:49 0d 0h 3 |
#DUCK | - Cycling |
9784 16.06 18:10 16.06 21:45 0d 3h 34 |
#DUCK | - Access for RQ10.R4B1 problem |
9783 16.06 16:05 16.06 18:10 0d 2h 5 |
#BEAM_COMMISSIONING | - Optics measurements - Dumped on RQ10.R4B1 |
9782 16.06 09:19 16.06 16:05 0d 6h 45 |
- Aperture measurement - Dumped on losses on TCT - Almost concurrent to the dump problem in the RQ10.R4B1 |
9781 16.06 01:59 16.06 09:19 0d 7h 19 |
- Roman pots alignement - Problem with BU in B2H at injection cured by injection correction and the abort gap cleaninf OFF |
9780 16.06 00:12 16.06 01:59 0d 1h 46 |
#DUCK | - Problem with QPS of RCO.A45B2 |
9779 15.06 13:53 16.06 00:12 0d 10h 19 |
- TCT alignement with INDIV - Some loss maps and asynchronous dump tests - To be noted that the beam were quite off when going to HO (luminosity optimization was needed) |
9778 15.06 04:13 15.06 13:53 0d 9h 40 |
- Validation with pilot bunches after TS1 - Going to 30 cm and testin the wires at 350 A - Delays due to SPS problems |
9777 14.06 22:28 15.06 04:13 0d 5h 45 |
#DUCK | - Difficult recovery from the TS1 (MKI, RB.A56, ADT...) - Access was needed |
9776 10.06 02:59 14.06 22:28 4d 19h 29 |
- MD12263 Weak-Strong investigation of Long-Range Beam-beam (second ramp) - This fill was lasting the full TS1 |
9775 09.06 21:46 10.06 02:59 0d 5h 12 |
#MD | - MD12263 Weak-Strong investigation of Long-Range Beam-beam |
9774 09.06 21:05 09.06 21:46 0d 0h 41 |
#MD | - MD11703 |
9773 09.06 20:40 09.06 21:05 0d 0h 25 |
#MD | - MD11703 |
9772 09.06 20:13 09.06 20:40 0d 0h 26 |
#MD | - MD11703 |
9771 09.06 19:42 09.06 20:13 0d 0h 31 |
#MD | - MD11703 |
9770 09.06 19:21 09.06 19:42 0d 0h 20 |
#MD | - MD11703, change of settings again |
9769 09.06 18:52 09.06 19:21 0d 0h 28 |
#MD | - MD11703, B2 lost very quickly |
9768 09.06 18:42 09.06 18:52 0d 0h 10 |
#MD | - MD11703 |
9767 09.06 18:23 09.06 18:42 0d 0h 19 |
#MD | - MD11703 |
9766 09.06 17:39 09.06 18:23 0d 0h 43 |
#MD | - MD11703 |
9765 09.06 16:44 09.06 17:39 0d 0h 55 |
#MD | - MD11703, losses on TCTPV.4L2 when injecting B1 |
9764 09.06 16:04 09.06 16:44 0d 0h 40 |
#MD | - MD11703, blowup and intensity loss - reinjection of B2 |
9763 09.06 15:07 09.06 16:04 0d 0h 56 |
#MD | - MD11703, persistent oscillations in B1H at 0.333 after the last excitation |
9762 09.06 14:14 09.06 15:07 0d 0h 53 |
#MD | - MD11703 TL steering with INDIVs for MD11703 to minimize emittance blowup with ADT off |
9761 09.06 13:54 09.06 14:14 0d 0h 19 |
#MD | - MD11703 |
9760 09.06 13:00 09.06 13:54 0d 0h 53 |
#MD | - MD11703 Lifetime measurement for beam dynamics studies at injection |
9759 09.06 12:26 09.06 13:00 0d 0h 34 |
#DUCK | |
9758 09.06 11:55 09.06 12:26 0d 0h 31 |
#DUCK | |
9757 09.06 11:55 09.06 11:55 0d 0h 0 |
#DUCK | |
9756 09.06 10:49 09.06 11:55 0d 1h 5 |
#MD | - MD9544, tiny oscillation of some bunches in B2, scraping horizontal plane reduces both horizontal and vertical emittance |
9755 09.06 10:45 09.06 10:49 0d 0h 3 |
#DUCK | |
9754 09.06 09:31 09.06 10:45 0d 1h 14 |
#MD | - MD9544 continue scraping |
9753 09.06 09:01 09.06 09:31 0d 0h 29 |
- MD9544 |
9752 09.06 08:20 09.06 09:01 0d 0h 40 |
#MD | - MD9544 |
9751 09.06 07:55 09.06 08:20 0d 0h 25 |
#DUCK | |
9750 09.06 07:40 09.06 07:55 0d 0h 15 |
#DUCK | |
9749 09.06 05:37 09.06 07:40 0d 2h 2 |
#MD | - MD9544, e-cloud instabilities at injection |
9748 09.06 05:30 09.06 05:37 0d 0h 6 |
#DUCK | |
9747 09.06 04:29 09.06 05:30 0d 1h 1 |
#MD | - MD9544 Emittance growth from incoherent electron cloud effects at injection |
9746 09.06 04:15 09.06 04:29 0d 0h 13 |
#DUCK | |
9745 09.06 03:47 09.06 04:15 0d 0h 27 |
#MD | - MD11787 |
9744 09.06 03:27 09.06 03:47 0d 0h 20 |
#MD | - MD11787 |
9743 09.06 02:43 09.06 03:27 0d 0h 43 |
#MD | - MD11787 issue with wire scanner B1H |
9742 09.06 02:19 09.06 02:43 0d 0h 24 |
#MD | - MD11787 |
9741 09.06 00:34 09.06 02:19 0d 1h 44 |
#MD | - MD11787, harmonic filter SEQ4 for the powering station LHC4 is in fault |
9740 08.06 22:22 09.06 00:34 0d 2h 11 |
#MD | - MD11787 |
9739 08.06 21:29 08.06 22:22 0d 0h 53 |
#MD | - MD11787 |
9738 08.06 18:56 08.06 21:29 0d 2h 33 |
#MD | - MD11787 Longitudinal halo scraping, SPS problems |
9737 08.06 17:10 08.06 18:56 0d 1h 45 |
- MD11243 |
9736 08.06 11:17 08.06 17:10 0d 5h 53 |
- MD11243 |
9735 08.06 07:56 08.06 11:17 0d 3h 20 |
#MD | - Preparation for MD11243 HL-LHC optics cycle, Quite strong kick in MCBXV.1R2 |
9734 08.06 02:37 08.06 07:56 0d 5h 19 |
- MD10483, further tests considering UFOs |
9733 08.06 02:09 08.06 02:37 0d 0h 28 |
#MD | - MD10483 continue |
9732 08.06 01:00 08.06 02:09 0d 1h 8 |
#MD | - MD10483, LHC injection SIS frozen |
9731 07.06 22:39 08.06 01:00 0d 2h 21 |
#MD | - Preparation for MD10483, Investigations of UFO release mechanisms using displaced bunches |
9730 07.06 22:04 07.06 22:39 0d 0h 34 |
#DUCK | |
9729 07.06 13:32 07.06 22:04 0d 8h 31 |
#MD | - MD11765 Bunch-by-bunch tune shift meassurements 2024, 67%/dump in IR5, IR1 also in warning |
9728 07.06 11:07 07.06 13:32 0d 2h 24 |
- MD 11788 end |
9727 07.06 10:07 07.06 11:07 0d 1h 0 |
#MD | - MD11788 controlled emittance blow-up through the ramp |
9726 07.06 08:43 07.06 10:07 0d 1h 23 |
#MD | - MD11788 |
9725 07.06 02:56 07.06 08:43 0d 5h 47 |
#MD | - MD11786, Threshold of longitudinal loss if Landau damping, Clear shift of synchrotron frequency on the Schottky between 0.9e10 and 7e10 |
9724 07.06 00:42 07.06 02:56 0d 2h 13 |
#MD | - End MD11243, Commissioned a new ramp and squeeze to test optics transitions in Point 3 and 7 during the ramp |
9723 06.06 22:41 07.06 00:42 0d 2h 1 |
#MD | - MD11243, Optics corrections knobs functions in ramp |
9722 06.06 19:20 06.06 22:41 0d 3h 20 |
- MD11243 |
9721 06.06 19:07 06.06 19:20 0d 0h 13 |
#MD | - MD11243 |
9720 06.06 13:56 06.06 19:07 0d 5h 10 |
#MD | - MD11243, MCBX circuit tripped because it exceeded its maximum allowed current during the ramp |
9719 06.06 10:53 06.06 13:56 0d 3h 3 |
- MD11243, HL-LHC optics cycle (part I) optics preparation |
9718 06.06 05:58 06.06 10:53 0d 4h 54 |
- MD12466 Optics vs CMS solenoid |
9717 05.06 21:39 06.06 05:58 0d 8h 18 |
- MD11883 Betatron determination using cogging - An issue with MKD occurred when dumping at injection |
9716 05.06 20:32 05.06 21:39 0d 1h 7 |
#DUCK | |
9715 05.06 20:08 05.06 20:32 0d 0h 23 |
#DUCK | - BEM interlock issue |
9714 05.06 18:05 05.06 20:08 0d 2h 3 |
#MD | - MD11766 |
9713 05.06 17:25 05.06 18:05 0d 0h 40 |
#MD | - MD11766 |
9712 05.06 16:47 05.06 17:25 0d 0h 37 |
#DUCK | |
9711 05.06 11:49 05.06 16:47 0d 4h 57 |
#MD | - MD11766 Octupole thresholds - positive vs negative polarity, Beam dump - LBDS self trigger |
9710 05.06 11:25 05.06 11:49 0d 0h 24 |
#DUCK | - Preparation for MD2 |
9709 05.06 10:48 05.06 11:25 0d 0h 36 |
#DUCK | |
9708 04.06 14:24 05.06 10:48 0d 20h 24 |
- Preparation for MD2 |
9707 03.06 22:12 04.06 14:24 0d 16h 12 |
- RF trim issue in SPS and emittance blow up on the last train of beam 1 |
9706 03.06 20:16 03.06 22:12 0d 1h 55 |
#PHYSICS | - Injection failure, QPS state not OK |
9705 03.06 16:48 03.06 20:16 0d 3h 28 |
#PHYSICS | - Spikes observed on B1 lifetime and Lumi in IP2 |
9704 03.06 15:42 03.06 16:48 0d 1h 5 |
#DUCK | - Loss map, programmed dump |
9703 03.06 15:23 03.06 15:42 0d 0h 18 |
#DUCK | |
9702 03.06 13:52 03.06 15:23 0d 1h 31 |
#DUCK | - Problems with the RF synchronisation |
9701 03.06 03:06 03.06 13:52 0d 10h 45 |
- Physics fill and collimator hierarchy test - end of fill |
9700 02.06 11:30 03.06 03:06 0d 15h 36 |
- Bbq strange behaviour - jitter |
9699 02.06 07:14 02.06 11:30 0d 4h 15 |
#PHYSICS | - Energy extraction issue |
9698 02.06 04:44 02.06 07:14 0d 2h 30 |
#PHYSICS | - Energy extraction issue dumped physics fill |
9697 02.06 00:13 02.06 04:44 0d 4h 30 |
#DUCK | |
9696 01.06 12:50 02.06 00:13 0d 11h 23 |
#PHYSICS | - Possible quench of the ROD.A12B2 |
9695 01.06 03:32 01.06 12:50 0d 9h 17 |
#DUCK | |
9694 31.05 14:25 01.06 03:32 0d 13h 7 |
#PHYSICS | - Dumped due to RF issue |
9693 31.05 11:26 31.05 14:25 0d 2h 58 |
#DUCK | |
9692 31.05 06:15 31.05 11:26 0d 5h 11 |
#DUCK | |
9691 30.05 06:05 31.05 06:15 1d 0h 10 |
- Long physics fill |
9690 30.05 05:41 30.05 06:05 0d 0h 23 |
#DUCK | |
9689 30.05 05:13 30.05 05:41 0d 0h 27 |
#DUCK | |
9688 30.05 03:34 30.05 05:13 0d 1h 38 |
#DUCK | |
9687 29.05 10:14 30.05 03:34 0d 17h 20 |
#PHYSICS | - Dumped due to quench Q9.L8 |
9686 29.05 07:22 29.05 10:14 0d 2h 51 |
#PHYSICS | - Dumped after ~1.5h at SB due to RF trip |
9685 29.05 06:22 29.05 07:22 0d 1h 0 |
#DUCK | - Bad injection oscillations for 12b B2 |
9684 28.05 21:10 29.05 06:22 0d 9h 11 |
#PHYSICS | - Dumped due to QPS trip |
9683 28.05 16:52 28.05 21:10 0d 4h 18 |
#PHYSICS | - Dumped at start of SB due to trip of RCBXH2.L8 |
9682 28.05 15:36 28.05 16:52 0d 1h 16 |
#DUCK | |
9681 28.05 11:38 28.05 15:36 0d 3h 58 |
#MD | - Loss maps and tests with new dispersion knob |
9680 28.05 07:09 28.05 11:38 0d 4h 28 |
#PHYSICS | - Dumped triggers by ATLAS BCM due to UFO |
9679 28.05 02:39 28.05 07:09 0d 4h 29 |
#DUCK | |
9678 28.05 00:28 28.05 02:39 0d 2h 11 |
#PHYSICS | - Dumped at the end of adjust due to self trigger of LBDS due to faulty power supply |
9677 27.05 16:19 28.05 00:28 0d 8h 8 |
#PHYSICS | - Emergency dump after 5h at SB required by cryo due to issue with DFB in 81 |
9676 27.05 15:54 27.05 16:19 0d 0h 25 |
#DUCK | |
9675 27.05 08:39 27.05 15:54 0d 7h 15 |
#DUCK | |
9674 27.05 04:02 27.05 08:39 0d 4h 37 |
#PHYSICS | - Precycle after quench - ADT gain 50% lower for B1H at injection - FBCT jumps reported - Dumped due to cryo issue |
9673 26.05 13:21 27.05 04:02 0d 14h 40 |
#DUCK | |
9672 26.05 09:29 26.05 13:21 0d 3h 52 |
#PHYSICS | - Chroma to 20, octupoles -3.5 to understand B1 emittance blowup, reduced ADT gain is beneficial - Dumped due to Quench in S23 |
9671 26.05 05:47 26.05 09:29 0d 3h 41 |
#MD | - Loss maps |
9670 25.05 13:17 26.05 05:47 0d 16h 29 |
#PHYSICS | - WS measurements 2x36 b - Emittance blowup injection, especially in B1H, reduced chroma to 15, no impact from chroma - From 1.2m to 60cm leveling with slow ramp instead of fast - Dumped due to general power glitch |
9669 25.05 12:40 25.05 13:17 0d 0h 37 |
#DUCK | |
9668 25.05 11:14 25.05 12:40 0d 1h 25 |
#DUCK | |
9667 25.05 00:36 25.05 11:14 0d 10h 37 |
#PHYSICS | - Third BCMS fill - B1H blowup still visible, reduction of chroma from 25 to 20 at injection - Dumped due to QPS board failure |
9666 24.05 10:51 25.05 00:36 0d 13h 45 |
#PHYSICS | - Second BCMS fill - WS measurements 2x36b - B1H blowup, increase of chroma to 25, octupoles to -3.5 in this fill, RF V increase to 5.5 kV. during filling chroma was reduced to 20 - Dumped due to RF trip |
9665 24.05 10:04 24.05 10:51 0d 0h 47 |
#DUCK | |
9664 23.05 18:00 24.05 10:04 0d 16h 3 |
#PHYSICS | - First fill with BCMS, with very low injected emittance - WS LHC and SPS measurements of 2x36b - Emittance blowup at injection especially for B1, chroma was increased to 25 at injection but kept 20 at flattop - Chroma was reduced to 15 during collisions - Reduction of IP1 xing by 5 urad for lumi imbalance studies - Issue with published CMS lumi - Dumped due to wrong manipulation of T threshold by expert from remote |
9663 23.05 03:16 23.05 18:00 0d 14h 43 |
- EoF test for collimation hierarchy, scraping and chroma changes |
9662 22.05 12:03 23.05 03:16 0d 15h 13 |
- WS SPS and LHC measurements of 2x36 b - ADT modules tripped during SB |
9661 22.05 08:47 22.05 12:03 0d 3h 15 |
#PHYSICS | - WS measurements for first 2x36b both in LHC and SPS - Back to 2352 bunches - Dumped due to RF trip at the start of collisions |
9660 22.05 05:44 22.05 08:47 0d 3h 3 |
#DUCK | - Problem with the QPS. |
9659 21.05 23:34 22.05 05:44 0d 6h 10 |
- It went at 33 cm by error. - Reduced number of bunches (2000) following 2 dumps of fill 9657 and 9658. |
9658 21.05 21:30 21.05 23:34 0d 2h 3 |
- Dumped on lossed durign luminosity optimization. |
9657 21.05 18:37 21.05 21:30 0d 2h 53 |
- Dumped on lossed durign luminosity optimization. |
9656 21.05 18:03 21.05 18:37 0d 0h 34 |
#DUCK | - Cryogenics problem. |
9655 21.05 04:58 21.05 18:03 0d 13h 5 |
#DUCK | - Cryogenics problem. |
9654 20.05 19:34 21.05 04:58 0d 9h 23 |
#PHYSICS | - Dumped on RCBXH3.L5 trip. |
9653 20.05 05:35 20.05 19:34 0d 13h 58 |
#VDM | - ATLAS calibration transfer with trains - Trip of RF triggered by an electrical perturbation on 400 kV while waiting for dump handshake |
9652 20.05 02:31 20.05 05:35 0d 3h 4 |
#BEAM_COMMISSIONING | - Access for LHCb - AGK validation - Testing injection with 12 bunches and trains - Dumped on power glitch |
9651 19.05 16:49 20.05 02:31 0d 9h 41 |
#VDM | - 1st calibration fill |
9650 19.05 15:57 19.05 16:49 0d 0h 51 |
#DUCK | |
9649 19.05 14:12 19.05 15:57 0d 1h 45 |
#BEAM_COMMISSIONING | - Test of the LHCb separation after the polarity change |
9648 19.05 13:12 19.05 14:12 0d 0h 59 |
#DUCK | - Chroma and coupling correction |
9647 19.05 11:11 19.05 13:12 0d 2h 0 |
- Programmed dump after injection check for ATLAS calibration fill |
9646 19.05 10:09 19.05 11:11 0d 1h 2 |
#DUCK | - Problems with QPS OK on several circuits during preparation for precycle |
9645 19.05 05:02 19.05 10:09 0d 5h 7 |
#VDM | - ATLAS magnets trip, power grid (400 kV) glitch, RBA81 trip, rampdown instead of pre-cycle launched |
9644 18.05 14:07 19.05 05:02 0d 14h 55 |
#VDM | - VdM Scans LHCb and ALICE |
9643 18.05 10:18 18.05 14:07 0d 3h 48 |
#VDM | - Cable water fault on RQ10.L8B1 |
9642 18.05 05:59 18.05 10:18 0d 4h 19 |
#VDM | - Investigation on the interplay between ADT gain and the emittance blow-up |
9641 18.05 03:17 18.05 05:59 0d 2h 41 |
#VDM | - Glitch on 400 kV and RF trip |
9640 18.05 01:44 18.05 03:17 0d 1h 32 |
- Dumped at injection on QPS crate reset with closed permit loop - After the dump, some pilot injection was tried and after we changed the fill number. |
9639 16.05 13:06 18.05 01:44 1d 12h 38 |
- VdM Scans ATLAS and CMS + LSC |
9638 16.05 11:39 16.05 13:06 0d 1h 27 |
#VDM | - Dumped on trip of RQ10.R2 |
9637 16.05 09:20 16.05 11:39 0d 2h 19 |
#VDM | - Dumped on operational mistake: injected pilot when set up for phyiscs beam |
9636 16.05 05:47 16.05 09:20 0d 3h 33 |
#MD | |
9635 15.05 23:05 16.05 05:47 0d 6h 41 |
#MD | |
9634 15.05 18:10 15.05 23:05 0d 4h 54 |
#MD | |
9633 15.05 11:09 15.05 18:10 0d 7h 0 |
#MD | |
9632 15.05 08:40 15.05 11:09 0d 2h 29 |
#MD | |
9631 15.05 04:28 15.05 08:40 0d 4h 12 |
#MD | |
9630 15.05 03:57 15.05 04:28 0d 0h 30 |
#MD | |
9629 14.05 21:52 15.05 03:57 0d 6h 5 |
#MD | |
9628 14.05 21:12 14.05 21:52 0d 0h 39 |
- Several trips during the pre-cycle |
9627 14.05 17:47 14.05 21:12 0d 3h 24 |
#MD | - MD11743 Effect of higher-order contributions to octupole and decapole RDTs |
9626 14.05 09:18 14.05 17:47 0d 8h 29 |
#MD | - MD11644 Non-Factorization measurement in collision for VdM - Dumped during the scraping due to low intensity limit |
9625 14.05 08:58 14.05 09:18 0d 0h 19 |
#DUCK | |
9624 14.05 06:51 14.05 08:58 0d 2h 7 |
#MD | |
9623 13.05 23:50 14.05 06:51 0d 7h 1 |
#MD | - MD11786 Longitudinal threshold of Landau Damping |
9622 13.05 17:32 13.05 23:50 0d 6h 17 |
#MD | - First 1hour MD11603, crabbing at injection - MD11723, non factorization MD at injection - WS, BSRT and longitudinal profiles acquired |
9621 13.05 09:41 13.05 17:32 0d 7h 51 |
#MD | |
9620 13.05 09:14 13.05 09:41 0d 0h 26 |
#MD | |
9619 13.05 07:52 13.05 09:14 0d 1h 21 |
#MD | - Start of MD1 - MD9273 (auto alignment TL coll) and MD11723 (schottkly) parallel on B2 and B1 |
9618 12.05 18:14 13.05 07:52 0d 13h 38 |
- End of fill hierarchy breakage tests at 33 and 30 cm |
9617 12.05 18:02 12.05 18:14 0d 0h 12 |
#DUCK | - Issue with ADT |
9616 12.05 17:58 12.05 18:02 0d 0h 3 |
#DUCK | |
9615 12.05 12:06 12.05 17:58 0d 5h 52 |
#DUCK | |
9614 11.05 20:35 12.05 12:06 0d 15h 31 |
- Pileup target of CMS increased to 65 - Several time AGAP population beyond cleaning level, same time as longitudinal blowup |
9613 11.05 18:29 11.05 20:35 0d 2h 6 |
#DUCK | |
9612 10.05 15:06 11.05 18:29 1d 3h 22 |
#DUCK | |
9611 09.05 22:37 10.05 15:06 0d 16h 28 |
#PHYSICS | - Quench in sector 23 |
9610 09.05 06:55 09.05 22:37 0d 15h 42 |
9609 08.05 20:19 09.05 06:55 0d 10h 35 |
#PHYSICS | - Electrical glitch, BCCM dumped, RF trip |
9608 08.05 06:14 08.05 20:19 0d 14h 5 |
#PHYSICS | - Cryo compressor issue in point 6 |
9607 08.05 01:49 08.05 06:14 0d 4h 24 |
#DUCK | - Dumped at injection due to power glitch |
9606 07.05 07:48 08.05 01:49 0d 18h 1 |
- WS measurements SPS and LHC |
9605 06.05 07:26 07.05 07:48 1d 0h 22 |
9604 05.05 22:12 06.05 07:26 0d 9h 13 |
9603 05.05 05:37 05.05 22:12 0d 16h 34 |
9602 04.05 23:54 05.05 05:37 0d 5h 43 |
#PHYSICS | - QPS.Q6.R3B2 trip |
9601 04.05 23:54 04.05 23:54 0d 0h 0 |
#DUCK | |
9600 04.05 23:28 04.05 23:54 0d 0h 26 |
#DUCK | |
9599 04.05 23:13 04.05 23:28 0d 0h 14 |
#DUCK | - BCCM test |
9598 04.05 22:59 04.05 23:13 0d 0h 13 |
#DUCK | - BCCM test |
9597 04.05 22:47 04.05 22:59 0d 0h 12 |
#DUCK | - BCCM test |
9596 04.05 22:37 04.05 22:47 0d 0h 9 |
#DUCK | - BCCM test |
9595 04.05 21:45 04.05 22:37 0d 0h 52 |
#DUCK | - BCCM test |
9594 04.05 05:35 04.05 21:45 0d 16h 9 |
9593 03.05 17:01 04.05 05:35 0d 12h 33 |
#PHYSICS | - Dumped due to RF fault - INDIV bunches requested by LHCb - Reported that B1 B2 lifetimes were very close |
9592 03.05 16:53 03.05 17:01 0d 0h 8 |
#DUCK | |
9591 03.05 16:16 03.05 16:53 0d 0h 36 |
- MD for BLM calibration |
9590 03.05 14:17 03.05 16:16 0d 1h 59 |
#DUCK | |
9589 03.05 12:47 03.05 14:17 0d 1h 29 |
#PHYSICS | - Dumped due to UFO.3L1 |
9588 03.05 12:34 03.05 12:47 0d 0h 13 |
#DUCK | |
9587 03.05 12:06 03.05 12:34 0d 0h 27 |
#DUCK | - BPM offset setup for B2 |
9586 03.05 10:39 03.05 12:06 0d 1h 26 |
#DUCK | - BPM offsets for B1 at injection |
9585 02.05 19:32 03.05 10:39 0d 15h 7 |
- 2352 bunches - 15 points emittance scan - TCL6 end of fill tests, FASER/SND background studies in adjust EoF |
9584 02.05 19:17 02.05 19:32 0d 0h 14 |
#DUCK | |
9583 02.05 12:42 02.05 19:17 0d 6h 35 |
#MD | |
9582 02.05 08:43 02.05 12:42 0d 3h 58 |
#MD | - MD on coronograph, WS measurements - Scraping - Retraction of TCP |
9581 02.05 05:00 02.05 08:43 0d 3h 43 |
#MD | - Coronograph MD, several WS measurements - Trip of RQ4.LR3 |
9580 01.05 23:08 02.05 05:00 0d 5h 52 |
#DUCK | - Injection issues |
9579 01.05 17:32 01.05 23:08 0d 5h 35 |
#PHYSICS | - Start physics production, 2352 bunches in 3*36b trains |
9578 01.05 14:47 01.05 17:32 0d 2h 44 |
#PHYSICS | - Start physics production, 2352 bunches in 3*36b trains |
9577 01.05 12:03 01.05 14:47 0d 2h 44 |
#PHYSICS | - Start physics production, 2352 bunches in 3*36b trains |
9576 01.05 04:38 01.05 12:03 0d 7h 24 |
#PHYSICS | - Start physics production, 2352 bunches in 3*36b trains |
9575 30.04 16:15 01.05 04:38 0d 12h 22 |
#PHYSICS | - Start physics production, 2352 bunches in 3*36b trains |
9574 29.04 23:22 30.04 16:15 0d 16h 53 |
- Start physics production, 2352 bunches in 3*36b trains - EOF BSRT calibration test |
9573 29.04 09:34 29.04 23:22 0d 13h 47 |
#PHYSICS | - Start physics production, 2352 bunches in 3*36b trains |
9572 29.04 08:56 29.04 09:34 0d 0h 38 |
#DUCK | - BPM timing test |
9571 28.04 17:12 29.04 08:56 0d 15h 44 |
#DUCK | - Magnet quench |
9570 28.04 04:44 28.04 17:12 0d 12h 27 |
#INTENSITY_RAMPUP | - 2211 bunches, 36b trains |
9569 27.04 22:03 28.04 04:44 0d 6h 41 |
#INTENSITY_RAMPUP | - 2211 bunches, 36b trains, |
9568 27.04 06:38 27.04 22:03 0d 15h 24 |
#INTENSITY_RAMPUP | - 36b trains, 2211 bunches |
9567 26.04 21:52 27.04 06:38 0d 8h 46 |
#INTENSITY_RAMPUP | - 2211 bunches fill, dump by electrical glitch |
9566 26.04 13:08 26.04 21:52 0d 8h 44 |
#INTENSITY_RAMPUP | - Low margin in coll hierarchy - Dump at 33cm - 36b fill - 2211 bunches |
9565 26.04 03:13 26.04 13:08 0d 9h 54 |
#INTENSITY_RAMPUP | - Test coll hierarchy |
9564 25.04 21:17 26.04 03:13 0d 5h 55 |
#INTENSITY_RAMPUP | - 36b fill |
9563 25.04 19:50 25.04 21:17 0d 1h 26 |
#DUCK | - Injection issues |
9562 25.04 11:31 25.04 19:50 0d 8h 19 |
#INTENSITY_RAMPUP | - 1419 bunches - Coll hierarchy issue remains - Wire makes no impact - Improved with LHCb lumi increase |
9561 25.04 11:15 25.04 11:31 0d 0h 16 |
#DUCK | - Cryo issues |
9560 24.04 10:55 25.04 11:15 1d 0h 19 |
#DUCK | - Water leak issue in P8 |
9559 23.04 21:28 24.04 10:55 0d 13h 27 |
9558 23.04 20:23 23.04 21:28 0d 1h 4 |
#DUCK | - Unstable bunches from SPS |
9557 23.04 17:26 23.04 20:23 0d 2h 56 |
#MD | - Single beam test for collimation hierarchy 25ns_1215b_12_1_1_SingleBeamTest |
9556 23.04 15:03 23.04 17:26 0d 2h 23 |
#DUCK | |
9555 23.04 11:56 23.04 15:03 0d 3h 6 |
#DUCK | |
9554 23.04 11:22 23.04 11:56 0d 0h 33 |
#DUCK | - RCBXv3.R5 trip |
9553 23.04 05:27 23.04 11:22 0d 5h 55 |
#DUCK | - MQ29L6 quench, 3rd time |
9552 23.04 00:41 23.04 05:27 0d 4h 46 |
#DUCK | - Precycle - MQ29L6 quench during precycle, 2nd time |
9551 22.04 23:25 23.04 00:41 0d 1h 15 |
#DUCK | - Quench during precycle in S56, MQ29L6, 1st time |
9550 22.04 18:27 22.04 23:25 0d 4h 58 |
#DUCK | - Cryo recovery |
9549 21.04 03:26 22.04 18:27 1d 15h 0 |
#INTENSITY_RAMPUP | - 25ns_1983b_1970_1657_1684_144bpi_19inj_3INDIVs - Lost cold compressor in point 8 after ~1h in SB |
9548 20.04 14:44 21.04 03:26 0d 12h 41 |
- 25ns_1983b_1970_1657_1684_144bpi_19inj_3INDIVs - UFO in 32R1 at 92% dump threshold few minutes before operator dump - End of beta leveling at 36 cm |
9547 20.04 13:25 20.04 14:44 0d 1h 19 |
#MD | - Fill for injection steering |
9546 20.04 13:17 20.04 13:25 0d 0h 7 |
#DUCK | |
9545 20.04 11:34 20.04 13:17 0d 1h 43 |
#DUCK | |
9544 20.04 09:09 20.04 11:34 0d 2h 25 |
#DUCK | |
9543 19.04 17:44 20.04 09:09 0d 15h 24 |
#INTENSITY_RAMPUP | - 25ns_1983b_1970_1657_1684_144bpi_19inj_3INDIVs - QPS triggered quench of MB.B8L5 |
9542 19.04 16:36 19.04 17:44 0d 1h 8 |
#MD | - BPM offset measurements for 48b trains at injection |
9541 19.04 13:17 19.04 16:36 0d 3h 18 |
#MD | - RF injection studies at flat bottom |
9540 19.04 10:31 19.04 13:17 0d 2h 45 |
#MD | - RF setup studies at flat bottom |
9539 18.04 17:00 19.04 10:31 0d 17h 31 |
- 25ns_1791b_1778_1191_1254_144bpi_18inj_3INDIVs - End of beta leveling at 36 cm - EoF collimation hierarchy tests at 33cm and 30 cm |
9538 18.04 14:00 18.04 17:00 0d 3h 0 |
#DUCK | - No available beam from SPS |
9537 18.04 03:09 18.04 14:00 0d 10h 50 |
#INTENSITY_RAMPUP | - 25ns_1791b_1772_1191_1260_144bpi_18inj_3INDIVs - End of beta leveling at 33 cm - FBCT jumps by 1 slot - Issue with filling scheme that impacts beam-beam patterns - Scan of octupoles and chroma at 30cm - Dumped due to Velo movement when switching from Stable to Adjust for collimation tests |
9536 17.04 23:32 18.04 03:09 0d 3h 36 |
#INTENSITY_RAMPUP | - Heaters firing in magnet B9L2 due to losses from injection of unstable 144b train on B1 from the SPS |
9535 17.04 20:07 17.04 23:32 0d 3h 24 |
#MD | - 2 nominals and 15 pilots - Loss maps with chromaticity and octupole scans |
9534 17.04 19:04 17.04 20:07 0d 1h 3 |
#DUCK | - RB.A12 trip |
9533 17.04 14:40 17.04 19:04 0d 4h 23 |
#DUCK | - Corrector RCBV.22R6B2 fault |
9532 17.04 13:59 17.04 14:40 0d 0h 40 |
#DUCK | - Precycle |
9531 17.04 08:48 17.04 13:59 0d 5h 10 |
#DUCK | - Access |
9530 17.04 00:33 17.04 08:48 0d 8h 15 |
- 25ns_1791b_1772_1191_1260_144bpi_18inj_3INDIVs - High losses in IR7 at 30cm from collimation hierarchy breaking |
9529 16.04 19:03 17.04 00:33 0d 5h 30 |
#BSRT | - Dumped on RF trip - Single_12b_9_1_3_BSRT |
9528 16.04 17:52 16.04 19:03 0d 1h 10 |
#BSRT | - Test at injection energy |
9527 16.04 15:43 16.04 17:52 0d 2h 9 |
#BSRT | - Test at injection energy |
9526 16.04 07:58 16.04 15:43 0d 7h 44 |
#MD | - Reference fill for impedance |
9525 16.04 01:27 16.04 07:58 0d 6h 31 |
#INTENSITY_RAMPUP | - 25ns_1215b_1199_807_852_144bpi_14inj_3INDIVs - Dumped on BPM in IR6 in B2 |
9524 16.04 00:36 16.04 01:27 0d 0h 51 |
9523 15.04 12:11 16.04 00:36 0d 12h 24 |
#INTENSITY_RAMPUP | - 25ns_1215b_1199_807_852_144bpi_14inj_3INDIVs |
9522 15.04 11:03 15.04 12:11 0d 1h 8 |
9521 15.04 07:32 15.04 11:03 0d 3h 31 |
#INTENSITY_RAMPUP | - 25ns_1215b_1199_807_852_144bpi_14inj_3INDIVs |
9520 15.04 05:29 15.04 07:32 0d 2h 2 |
#INTENSITY_RAMPUP | - 25ns_1215b_1199_807_852_144bpi_14inj_3INDIVs - Dump on RF trip |
9519 15.04 02:28 15.04 05:29 0d 3h 0 |
#INTENSITY_RAMPUP | - 25ns_1215b_1199_807_852_144bpi_14inj_3INDIVs - Dump on QPS trip |
9518 14.04 21:08 15.04 02:28 0d 5h 20 |
#INTENSITY_RAMPUP | - 25ns_1215b_1199_807_852_144bpi_14inj_3INDIVs - Dump on ATLAS BCM/UFO IR1 |
9517 14.04 17:20 14.04 21:08 0d 3h 47 |
#INTENSITY_RAMPUP | - 25ns_1215b_1199_807_852_144bpi_14inj_3INDIVs - Dump on RF trip |
9516 14.04 12:12 14.04 17:20 0d 5h 8 |
9515 14.04 07:46 14.04 12:12 0d 4h 26 |
9514 13.04 19:41 14.04 07:46 0d 12h 5 |
- 25ns_831b_818_407_434_144bpi_11inj_3INDIVs |
9513 13.04 17:23 13.04 19:41 0d 2h 17 |
9512 12.04 20:52 13.04 17:23 0d 20h 31 |
- 25ns_831b_818_497_518_96bpi_14inj_3INDIVs - Long fill due to SPS unavailability |
9511 12.04 17:44 12.04 20:52 0d 3h 8 |
#MD | - MPP test |
9510 12.04 13:04 12.04 17:44 0d 4h 39 |
- 25ns_399b_386_182_194_96bpi_9inj_3INDIVs - DUMP on TCT energy interlock - Operational mistake |
9509 12.04 07:24 12.04 13:04 0d 5h 39 |
- 25ns_399b_386_182_194_96bpi_9inj_3INDIVs - DUMP on PC-INTERLOCK-BBLR - Operational mistake |
9508 12.04 06:09 12.04 07:24 0d 1h 14 |
9507 12.04 04:34 12.04 06:09 0d 1h 35 |
#INTENSITY_RAMPUP | - Dump on UFO 26R1 |
9506 12.04 02:02 12.04 04:34 0d 2h 32 |
#SCRUBBING | - 2556b/beam |
9505 11.04 23:26 12.04 02:02 0d 2h 35 |
#SCRUBBING | - 2556b/beam |
9504 11.04 22:02 11.04 23:26 0d 1h 23 |
9503 11.04 21:21 11.04 22:02 0d 0h 41 |
9502 11.04 17:55 11.04 21:21 0d 3h 26 |
9501 11.04 14:49 11.04 17:55 0d 3h 6 |
9500 11.04 09:02 11.04 14:49 0d 5h 47 |
#SCRUBBING | - 2676b/beam |
9499 11.04 02:23 11.04 09:02 0d 6h 39 |
#INTENSITY_RAMPUP | - 25ns_399b_386_266_278_48bpi_12inj_3INDIVs - DUMP on ATLAS BCM |
9498 11.04 00:37 11.04 02:23 0d 1h 45 |
9497 10.04 20:49 11.04 00:37 0d 3h 48 |
#INTENSITY_RAMPUP | - 25ns_399b_386_266_278_48bpi_12inj_3INDIVs - DUMP on ATLAS BCM |
9496 10.04 15:16 10.04 20:49 0d 5h 32 |
#INTENSITY_RAMPUP | - 25ns_399b_386_266_278_48bpi_12inj_3INDIVs - DUMP on UFO 20R1 |
9495 10.04 10:45 10.04 15:16 0d 4h 31 |
#PRESCRUBBING | - Dumped by OP - Filled with 500 bunches (3 trains of 144 bunches) for the pre-scrubbing. |
9494 10.04 10:41 10.04 10:45 0d 0h 3 |
#INTENSITY_RAMPUP | - Just after the access |
9493 10.04 05:25 10.04 10:41 0d 5h 16 |
#PRESCRUBBING | - Followed by access for 3 accesses, https://be-op-logbook.web.cern.ch/elogbook-server/GET/showEventInLogbook/4003618 |
9492 10.04 01:13 10.04 05:25 0d 4h 11 |
9491 09.04 20:41 10.04 01:13 0d 4h 31 |
9490 09.04 16:05 09.04 20:41 0d 4h 35 |
9489 09.04 16:05 09.04 16:05 0d 0h 0 |
9488 09.04 13:52 09.04 16:05 0d 2h 13 |
9487 09.04 08:52 09.04 13:52 0d 4h 59 |
9486 09.04 08:31 09.04 08:52 0d 0h 21 |
9485 08.04 21:38 09.04 08:31 0d 10h 53 |
#INTENSITY_RAMPUP | - 25ns_75b_62_32_62_12bpi_9inj_3INDIVs |
9484 08.04 08:16 08.04 21:38 0d 13h 21 |
9483 08.04 02:40 08.04 08:16 0d 5h 36 |
#INTENSITY_RAMPUP | - 75 bunches |
9482 08.04 02:14 08.04 02:40 0d 0h 25 |
9481 07.04 21:53 08.04 02:14 0d 4h 21 |
9480 07.04 21:50 07.04 21:53 0d 0h 2 |
9479 07.04 09:43 07.04 21:50 0d 12h 7 |
#INTENSITY_RAMPUP | - 75bunches - RQ10.L8quench - RQF.A78PCissue - ALICEzerofield - CMSlow-mutest |
9478 07.04 09:20 07.04 09:43 0d 0h 23 |
9477 07.04 04:11 07.04 09:20 0d 5h 8 |
9476 06.04 19:39 07.04 04:11 0d 8h 31 |
#INTENSITY_RAMPUP | - 12 single bunches - OP SVC trip - |
9475 06.04 07:39 06.04 19:39 0d 12h 0 |
#INTENSITY_RAMPUP | - 12 single bunches 2h in ADJUST - LHCb miniVDM scan - all levelling steps - 11L4 LM @85.5cm - FASER backgroun dtest |
9474 06.04 00:10 06.04 07:39 0d 7h 28 |
#INTENSITY_RAMPUP | - 4 signle bunches - OP dump |
9473 05.04 17:23 06.04 00:10 0d 6h 47 |
#INTENSITY_RAMPUP | - 4 signle bunches FMCM test |
9472 05.04 16:19 05.04 17:23 0d 1h 3 |
9471 05.04 16:18 05.04 16:19 0d 0h 1 |
9470 05.04 15:50 05.04 16:18 0d 0h 28 |
9469 05.04 07:47 05.04 15:50 0d 8h 3 |
9468 05.04 03:31 05.04 07:47 0d 4h 15 |
#INTENSITY_RAMPUP | - First injections of 12 bunches and loss maps |
9467 04.04 23:09 05.04 03:31 0d 4h 21 |
- First injections of 12 bunches and loss maps |
9466 04.04 18:53 04.04 23:09 0d 4h 16 |
- First injections of 12 bunches and loss maps |
9465 04.04 13:57 04.04 18:53 0d 4h 55 |
- First injections of 12 bunches and loss maps |
9464 04.04 10:25 04.04 13:57 0d 3h 31 |
#BEAM_COMMISSIONING | - Loss maps at injection - dBLM phasing |
9463 04.04 10:03 04.04 10:25 0d 0h 22 |
#BEAM_COMMISSIONING | - Loss maps at injection - dBLM phasing |
9462 04.04 08:41 04.04 10:03 0d 1h 21 |
9461 03.04 18:01 04.04 08:41 0d 14h 40 |
9460 03.04 17:42 03.04 18:01 0d 0h 18 |
9459 03.04 07:44 03.04 17:42 0d 9h 58 |
9458 03.04 07:29 03.04 07:44 0d 0h 14 |
9457 03.04 06:05 03.04 07:29 0d 1h 24 |
9456 03.04 03:47 03.04 06:05 0d 2h 18 |
9455 02.04 22:21 03.04 03:47 0d 5h 25 |
#BEAM_COMMISSIONING | - FASER Test - Taiwan Earthquake (see https://indico.cern.ch/event/1400243/contributions/5886155) |
9454 02.04 16:46 02.04 22:21 0d 5h 34 |
#BEAM_COMMISSIONING | - DBLM and wire scanner test |
9453 02.04 07:47 02.04 16:46 0d 8h 58 |
9452 02.04 03:21 02.04 07:47 0d 4h 26 |
9451 01.04 23:29 02.04 03:21 0d 3h 52 |
#BEAM_COMMISSIONING | - Ramp in steps |
9450 01.04 15:58 01.04 23:29 0d 7h 30 |
#BEAM_COMMISSIONING | - Optics at 22cm |
9449 01.04 15:40 01.04 15:58 0d 0h 17 |
9448 01.04 07:58 01.04 15:40 0d 7h 41 |
#BEAM_COMMISSIONING | - Stable beams at injection |
9447 01.04 07:08 01.04 07:58 0d 0h 50 |
9446 31.03 17:21 01.04 07:08 0d 13h 46 |
- Ion optics at 1m and 50cm |
9445 31.03 11:27 31.03 17:21 0d 5h 54 |
#BEAM_COMMISSIONING | - Non-linear optics at 450 GeV |
9444 31.03 07:03 31.03 11:27 0d 4h 24 |
#BEAM_COMMISSIONING | - FASER background test TCL@1.8mm half gap |
9443 30.03 17:03 31.03 07:03 0d 12h 59 |
#BEAM_COMMISSIONING | - FASER background test TCL @1.6mm & 1.2mm half-gap |
9442 29.03 06:25 30.03 17:03 1d 10h 38 |
9441 29.03 03:36 29.03 06:25 0d 2h 49 |
9440 29.03 02:09 29.03 03:36 0d 1h 27 |
9439 28.03 23:20 29.03 02:09 0d 2h 49 |
9438 28.03 17:47 28.03 23:20 0d 5h 32 |
#BEAM_COMMISSIONING | - Octupole reversal 120-30cm |
9437 28.03 09:01 28.03 17:47 0d 8h 45 |
#BEAM_COMMISSIONING | - Aperture at 30cm |
9436 28.03 07:17 28.03 09:01 0d 1h 44 |
9435 27.03 21:54 28.03 07:17 0d 9h 23 |
9434 27.03 20:21 27.03 21:54 0d 1h 32 |
9433 27.03 13:53 27.03 20:21 0d 6h 28 |
#BEAM_COMMISSIONING | - Collision low-beta TCT&TCL alignment |
9432 27.03 06:35 27.03 13:53 0d 7h 18 |
#BEAM_COMMISSIONING | - TCDQ alignment at FT - Vertical apertrue at 1.2m |
9431 27.03 05:04 27.03 06:35 0d 1h 30 |
- Vdm cycle |
9430 27.03 02:20 27.03 05:04 0d 2h 43 |
9429 26.03 23:07 27.03 02:20 0d 3h 12 |
#BEAM_COMMISSIONING | - Cycle to 30cm |
9428 26.03 22:37 26.03 23:07 0d 0h 30 |
9427 26.03 18:28 26.03 22:37 0d 4h 9 |
#BEAM_COMMISSIONING | - Loss maps at injection |
9426 26.03 18:18 26.03 18:28 0d 0h 9 |
9425 25.03 21:40 26.03 18:18 0d 20h 38 |
9424 25.03 18:36 25.03 21:40 0d 3h 3 |
9423 25.03 03:28 25.03 18:36 0d 15h 8 |
9422 25.03 01:40 25.03 03:28 0d 1h 48 |
9421 24.03 23:52 25.03 01:40 0d 1h 47 |
9420 24.03 21:32 24.03 23:52 0d 2h 20 |
#BEAM_COMMISSIONING | - Beta* levelling test |
9419 24.03 09:21 24.03 21:32 0d 12h 11 |
#BEAM_COMMISSIONING | - Optics corrections squeeze down to 30cm |
9418 24.03 04:53 24.03 09:21 0d 4h 27 |
9417 24.03 03:59 24.03 04:53 0d 0h 54 |
9416 24.03 03:44 24.03 03:59 0d 0h 14 |
9415 23.03 20:40 24.03 03:44 0d 7h 4 |
9414 23.03 18:15 23.03 20:40 0d 2h 25 |
9413 23.03 13:55 23.03 18:15 0d 4h 19 |
#BEAM_COMMISSIONING | - Nominal bunch ramps for BI tests |
9412 23.03 12:33 23.03 13:55 0d 1h 21 |
#BEAM_COMMISSIONING | - Nominal bunch ramps for BI tests |
9411 23.03 10:04 23.03 12:33 0d 2h 29 |
#BEAM_COMMISSIONING | - Nominal bunch ramps for BI tests |
9410 23.03 07:43 23.03 10:04 0d 2h 21 |
#BEAM_COMMISSIONING | - Nominal bunch ramps for BI tests |
9409 23.03 05:03 23.03 07:43 0d 2h 39 |
#BEAM_COMMISSIONING | - Cycle test - New squeeze adn bunch length |
9408 23.03 03:35 23.03 05:03 0d 1h 28 |
#BEAM_COMMISSIONING | - Cycle test - New squeeze adn bunch length |
9407 23.03 01:31 23.03 03:35 0d 2h 3 |
#BEAM_COMMISSIONING | - New b* levelling 120cm to 30cm |
9406 23.03 00:38 23.03 01:31 0d 0h 53 |
#BEAM_COMMISSIONING | - Cycle test - New squeeze adn bunch length |
9405 22.03 17:10 23.03 00:38 0d 7h 27 |
9404 22.03 15:22 22.03 17:10 0d 1h 48 |
9403 22.03 05:50 22.03 15:22 0d 9h 32 |
9402 21.03 23:29 22.03 05:50 0d 6h 20 |
#BEAM_COMMISSIONING | - Optics 30cm |
9401 21.03 17:17 21.03 23:29 0d 6h 11 |
9400 21.03 07:15 21.03 17:17 0d 10h 1 |
#BEAM_COMMISSIONING | - Stable beams at 450 GeV |
9399 21.03 04:37 21.03 07:15 0d 2h 38 |
9398 21.03 03:52 21.03 04:37 0d 0h 45 |
9397 20.03 23:59 21.03 03:52 0d 3h 52 |
9396 20.03 23:06 20.03 23:59 0d 0h 53 |
9395 20.03 13:26 20.03 23:06 0d 9h 39 |
9394 20.03 10:51 20.03 13:26 0d 2h 35 |
9393 19.03 23:38 20.03 10:51 0d 11h 13 |
#BEAM_COMMISSIONING | - Collimator alignment at FT |
9392 19.03 16:12 19.03 23:38 0d 7h 25 |
#BEAM_COMMISSIONING | - Collimator alignment at FT |
9391 19.03 12:34 19.03 16:12 0d 3h 38 |
9390 19.03 12:32 19.03 12:34 0d 0h 1 |
9389 19.03 10:53 19.03 12:32 0d 1h 38 |
#BEAM_COMMISSIONING | - Collisions at 450 GeV |
9388 19.03 09:56 19.03 10:53 0d 0h 56 |
#BEAM_COMMISSIONING | - Collisions at 450 GeV |
9387 19.03 09:26 19.03 09:56 0d 0h 30 |
9386 19.03 06:21 19.03 09:26 0d 3h 4 |
- VDM collisions |
9385 18.03 21:23 19.03 06:21 0d 8h 58 |
9384 18.03 20:54 18.03 21:23 0d 0h 28 |
9383 18.03 15:41 18.03 20:54 0d 5h 13 |
9382 18.03 15:29 18.03 15:41 0d 0h 12 |
9381 18.03 13:57 18.03 15:29 0d 1h 31 |
9380 18.03 04:29 18.03 13:57 0d 9h 28 |
#BEAM_COMMISSIONING | - Low-beta/VDM cycles for coupling in the ramp |
9379 18.03 03:22 18.03 04:29 0d 1h 6 |
#BEAM_COMMISSIONING | - Low-beta/VDM cycles for coupling in the ramp |
9378 18.03 01:59 18.03 03:22 0d 1h 22 |
#BEAM_COMMISSIONING | - Low-beta/VDM cycles for coupling in the ramp |
9377 18.03 00:21 18.03 01:59 0d 1h 38 |
#BEAM_COMMISSIONING | - Low-beta/VDM cycles for coupling in the ramp |
9376 17.03 13:03 18.03 00:21 0d 11h 17 |
9375 17.03 07:24 17.03 13:03 0d 5h 38 |
9374 17.03 07:13 17.03 07:24 0d 0h 11 |
9373 17.03 05:17 17.03 07:13 0d 1h 55 |
9372 17.03 03:59 17.03 05:17 0d 1h 18 |
9371 16.03 14:18 17.03 03:59 0d 13h 40 |
9370 16.03 11:20 16.03 14:18 0d 2h 58 |
9369 16.03 08:01 16.03 11:20 0d 3h 19 |
9368 16.03 06:40 16.03 08:01 0d 1h 20 |
#BEAM_COMMISSIONING | - Cycles for coupling in ther ramp |
9367 16.03 04:53 16.03 06:40 0d 1h 47 |
#BEAM_COMMISSIONING | - Cycles for coupling in ther ramp |
9366 16.03 03:02 16.03 04:53 0d 1h 50 |
#BEAM_COMMISSIONING | - Cycles for coupling in ther ramp |
9365 15.03 13:38 16.03 03:02 0d 13h 24 |
#BEAM_COMMISSIONING | - Cycles for coupling in ther ramp |
9364 15.03 07:48 15.03 13:38 0d 5h 49 |
9363 15.03 07:26 15.03 07:48 0d 0h 22 |
9362 15.03 06:16 15.03 07:26 0d 1h 10 |
9361 15.03 04:31 15.03 06:16 0d 1h 44 |
9360 15.03 03:00 15.03 04:31 0d 1h 31 |
#BEAM_COMMISSIONING | - Cycle to 30cm with bumps |
9359 15.03 01:30 15.03 03:00 0d 1h 29 |
#BEAM_COMMISSIONING | - Loss maps at injection |
9358 15.03 00:45 15.03 01:30 0d 0h 45 |
#BEAM_COMMISSIONING | - Loss maps at injection |
9357 14.03 18:10 15.03 00:45 0d 6h 34 |
#BEAM_COMMISSIONING | - Collimator alignment at injection |
9356 14.03 16:15 14.03 18:10 0d 1h 55 |
9355 14.03 14:59 14.03 16:15 0d 1h 15 |
#BEAM_COMMISSIONING | - Bumps at injection - ADT setup |
9354 14.03 11:30 14.03 14:59 0d 3h 29 |
9353 14.03 00:22 14.03 11:30 0d 11h 7 |
#BEAM_COMMISSIONING | - Linear optics 2m-1.2m - Non-linear errors in IT1 |
9352 13.03 14:09 14.03 00:22 0d 10h 13 |
9351 13.03 07:02 13.03 14:09 0d 7h 6 |
#BEAM_COMMISSIONING | - Beam splashes |
9350 12.03 23:02 13.03 07:02 0d 8h 0 |
#BEAM_COMMISSIONING | - Optics at injection - Optics at 2m/93cm |
9349 12.03 13:12 12.03 23:02 0d 9h 49 |
#BEAM_COMMISSIONING | - ADT setup - Reference orbit |
9348 12.03 13:09 12.03 13:12 0d 0h 3 |
9347 12.03 03:16 12.03 13:09 0d 9h 52 |
9346 11.03 19:49 12.03 03:16 0d 7h 26 |
- B1 TCP splashes - ADT check - VDM optics |
9345 11.03 16:15 11.03 19:49 0d 3h 34 |
9344 11.03 14:46 11.03 16:15 0d 1h 29 |
9343 11.03 13:33 11.03 14:46 0d 1h 12 |
9342 11.03 07:30 11.03 13:33 0d 6h 2 |
9341 11.03 04:59 11.03 07:30 0d 2h 31 |
9340 11.03 04:57 11.03 04:59 0d 0h 1 |
9339 10.03 13:16 11.03 04:57 0d 15h 41 |
- Optics measuremeents at injection |
9338 10.03 11:14 10.03 13:16 0d 2h 1 |
- Non optimised vdm ramp |
9337 10.03 09:08 10.03 11:14 0d 2h 5 |
9336 10.03 05:26 10.03 09:08 0d 3h 42 |
9335 10.03 05:25 10.03 05:26 0d 0h 1 |
9334 10.03 03:57 10.03 05:25 0d 1h 27 |
9333 09.03 20:31 10.03 03:57 0d 7h 26 |
- Optics measurements at injection |
9332 09.03 09:07 09.03 20:31 0d 11h 23 |
- Optics measuremenents at FT - Second ramp+squeeze to 93/30cm |
9331 09.03 08:53 09.03 09:07 0d 0h 14 |
9330 08.03 23:42 09.03 08:53 0d 9h 10 |
9329 08.03 13:56 08.03 23:42 0d 9h 46 |
9328 08.03 09:00 08.03 13:56 0d 4h 55 |
9327 08.03 07:08 08.03 09:00 0d 1h 51 |
9326 07.03 21:41 08.03 07:08 0d 9h 27 |
9325 07.03 19:49 07.03 21:41 0d 1h 52 |
9324 07.03 18:16 07.03 19:49 0d 1h 33 |
9323 05.03 17:21 07.03 18:16 2d 0h 54 |
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